Monday, September 7, 2009
The Season of Going Beyond.
Yesterday at church the Lord dropped into my mind and I shared it ." Time to "Go Beyond!". Time to go beyond what we can think or imagine! Time to go beyond any abilities we have or think we have! Time to go beyond the torn veil and meet Jesus and get to know Him in an intimate way! Time to go beyond fear ! Time to go beyond our set limitations! Time to go beyond our dreams into His! Time to go beyond what we believe - out of unbelief !Time to go beyond our ways and follow His! Time to go beyond our head knowledge ! We need to push through into the BEYOND !Beyond us, beyond time, beyond everything ! This is the season ! Beyond walking into FLYING !!!!!!!!!! Push through !!!!"
Saturday, September 5, 2009
The Battle Rages
Well, the battle rages. I thought ( oh silly me) that as I was out of leadership that the battle would calm down ! LOL , ya right ! I am having a real hard time with a discernment that I have had concerning a spirit that is operating in our church. Last Tuesday night at prayer I was "hit" by the stuff. I felt sooo discouraged and I had been under oppression for days. I had some prayer from friends and now I can say that it has lifted. I don't know what to do with this discernment other than pray.
A really strong prayer warrior said that she was told by the Lord that I was being attacked by someone astro - projecting. Funny, as I have not slept well in a couple of months ! Has this got anything to do with it?? (maybe) I can literally feel the words and prayers against me. At first I thought it was my imagination, but now I know differently.
There is a lady that is teaching me and Judy about our authority in Christ and also spiritual warfare.She is causing us to do the stuff instead of just learning about it. Not just head knowledge for us with this lady ! Love it !
Last weekend we went to a conference with Murray Dueck and he was teaching on the rest of the Lord and how to look upon Jesus and fight out of that rest. Seems like I am getting trained up for something and it is good ! It did make me want to take 2nd year with Murray, but I cannot afford it at this time....
The prophetic words that were spoken over me were confirming and also very encouraging !! One lady saw me as a bird on fire with no legs as I was meant to fly and not walk. That a way was made for me to come up higher.
During one of the activations I saw a sword of light with a blue stone. Murray got us to team up with one of the 3rd year students and do an exercise with them about the sword we were given. She knew that the sword was one of light and that it had a blue stone. She said to pick it up and I did with my left hand I said to her " This is weird as I am right handed" She said that she has found that if it is something to do with the right hand it means that it will manifest in the natural, but if it is the left hand, that it will manifest in the spiritual. I said that it made sense as I can do nothing with my left hand. I am totally right handed. So, it would have to be the Lord. She said that it is a sword of light and that firstly it was to light my way and then to light others way. She said that she saw me as Joan of Arc. ( this is interesting as it was the only thing when I was taking Samuel's Mantle, that I saw and it was not confirmed to me - that there was something to do with me and Joan of Arc)
Another word was someone saw me and a blue lollipop. She said she saw me moving into a time of sweet revelation and that I would even begin to see people with those big lollipops. ( I then told her that my daughter had brought one home from a wedding she went to - it was big !)
The same lady that had prayed for me earlier about the sword had a word later too and said that she saw something had been removed from me. It was like a wall or something.... That I had gone thru the fire and was now going to be able to give it away. That God was going to show me my worth and that I am a child of GOd. Some revelation.
Oh, the sword had on it written on the blade Jerm 33:3. (all about revelation)
The last thing is that someone saw that I had laid down something for a while, but that I was to pick it up again and that it had not diminished at all. (?)
The days since this all have been interesting to say the least ! The next day Chuck Pierce writes about Jerm 33:3. There has been a lot of that happening along with the warfare ! Then there is all the stuff happening that is on one hand causing division as we go into a solemn assembly this coming week. Never a dull moment !!!!
I have been getting the feelings for months now about September. Something happening then... others began to say that too. I also have been fixated on 09/09/09 that is coming up in the middle of our solemn assembly. Makes me wonder what is God up to.
I think some writer said it all " It is the best of times, it is the worst of times"
I know that God will be victorious and that is all I need to know ! Blessings!
A really strong prayer warrior said that she was told by the Lord that I was being attacked by someone astro - projecting. Funny, as I have not slept well in a couple of months ! Has this got anything to do with it?? (maybe) I can literally feel the words and prayers against me. At first I thought it was my imagination, but now I know differently.
There is a lady that is teaching me and Judy about our authority in Christ and also spiritual warfare.She is causing us to do the stuff instead of just learning about it. Not just head knowledge for us with this lady ! Love it !
Last weekend we went to a conference with Murray Dueck and he was teaching on the rest of the Lord and how to look upon Jesus and fight out of that rest. Seems like I am getting trained up for something and it is good ! It did make me want to take 2nd year with Murray, but I cannot afford it at this time....
The prophetic words that were spoken over me were confirming and also very encouraging !! One lady saw me as a bird on fire with no legs as I was meant to fly and not walk. That a way was made for me to come up higher.
During one of the activations I saw a sword of light with a blue stone. Murray got us to team up with one of the 3rd year students and do an exercise with them about the sword we were given. She knew that the sword was one of light and that it had a blue stone. She said to pick it up and I did with my left hand I said to her " This is weird as I am right handed" She said that she has found that if it is something to do with the right hand it means that it will manifest in the natural, but if it is the left hand, that it will manifest in the spiritual. I said that it made sense as I can do nothing with my left hand. I am totally right handed. So, it would have to be the Lord. She said that it is a sword of light and that firstly it was to light my way and then to light others way. She said that she saw me as Joan of Arc. ( this is interesting as it was the only thing when I was taking Samuel's Mantle, that I saw and it was not confirmed to me - that there was something to do with me and Joan of Arc)
Another word was someone saw me and a blue lollipop. She said she saw me moving into a time of sweet revelation and that I would even begin to see people with those big lollipops. ( I then told her that my daughter had brought one home from a wedding she went to - it was big !)
The same lady that had prayed for me earlier about the sword had a word later too and said that she saw something had been removed from me. It was like a wall or something.... That I had gone thru the fire and was now going to be able to give it away. That God was going to show me my worth and that I am a child of GOd. Some revelation.
Oh, the sword had on it written on the blade Jerm 33:3. (all about revelation)
The last thing is that someone saw that I had laid down something for a while, but that I was to pick it up again and that it had not diminished at all. (?)
The days since this all have been interesting to say the least ! The next day Chuck Pierce writes about Jerm 33:3. There has been a lot of that happening along with the warfare ! Then there is all the stuff happening that is on one hand causing division as we go into a solemn assembly this coming week. Never a dull moment !!!!
I have been getting the feelings for months now about September. Something happening then... others began to say that too. I also have been fixated on 09/09/09 that is coming up in the middle of our solemn assembly. Makes me wonder what is God up to.
I think some writer said it all " It is the best of times, it is the worst of times"
I know that God will be victorious and that is all I need to know ! Blessings!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The excitement is rising!

Last night we had a corporate prayer meeting and the Lord showed up BIG time and there also was an angel. It was an amazing time of prayer !!! Ken Greter and Shar led it and they told us about their amazing trip to Texas. Everywhere they went the Lord was showing them prophetically that the church is on the right track about the foundation of the church.
I had seen a picture of the basement of the church that had been torn up to expose a large pipe. This pipe was made of terra cotta or something like that. It had collapsed in on itself because the water had stopped flowing and it was dry.
I prayed into this and kept asking the Lord why it broke and how to fix it, how to pray for it to be fixed or replaced etc. I got nothing from the Lord for a few weeks. Then the Lord spoke to me and said that I was asking the wrong question. He said that I was not to ask why it broke or what we were to do to fix it, but rather to ask when the water had stopped flowing.
Last night (July 26th) I was soaking and so I asked the Lord, ok, when did the water stop flowing? He said when it was diverted. ( I saw a picture of water being diverted into a pond with a dam) That was all He told me.
The next day I was driving to work and what dropped into my spirit was this:
The words about the apostolic training/equipping center were for the church. ( spoken over the church and for the church) Somehow this got diverted to Todd and Fresh Fire. These words were not meant for Todd. He was given a vision and destiny with Fresh Fire and was not given this part to fulfill. With the confusion of the joining with Fresh Fire, it got put together with Todd and Fresh Fire.
While I was praying up at Eagle Mountain I got the scripture (Gen 26) about the old wells of Abraham being redug and about the new wells being dug too. I believe that the Lord is wanting the lid of the old well in our very core destiny to be removed and to "dig out" the debris so that we can once again have the flow of water in our very foundation. I believe that God is doing it.
As the "debris" of Fresh Fire is pruned off and dug out, we will begin to "see" the water begin to flow again. The "diversion" will be stopped and the water will be "routed" to its proper destiny. (an aligning)
The scripture (Romans 8:28) " And we know that to them that love God all things work together for good, for them that are called according to His purpose" jumped out at me . God is working ALL THINGS together for our good. He is putting into place, tearing down, rooting out etc all those things because He wants the BEST for us. We have had the good, but HE wants the best !! I am excited for this as I KNOW that God is good and He wants only good things for us. Sometimes the medicine tastes awful !!! But,it is for the good of the Body ! Praise God ! He is good !
(That was a word that I gave the leaders and they totally witnessed with it !)
Last night I saw our body and we were in a cocoon. It was a place of rest and protection. I got the scripture about not being conformed any longer to the world etc
There are many things that are going on around the church and we need to keep our eyes focused on God and at rest. If we struggle to enter into the warfare, then we tire ourselves out but still cannot get out. We need to rest and let the Lord deal with it all. It is HIS battle. He needs us to rest as we are going to need to not be tired for Sept as there will be a breakthrough then. Shar said it was like He was "buffering" us from what was around us so that we would stay in Hs rest !
Today I "saw" that for some it would feel like they were being "restrained" from things ( like ministry, going out, whatever) but that it was actually for protection and because He loves us. So, some will fight to be released too soon !!!
We are going to have a "solemn assembly " in Sept for 3 days. I can't find the scripture right now but it says something about being torn and repaired and something about after 2 days and then after 3 days. They are basing the 3 days on that... When I had heard about it I asked God...The last one we had 4 years ago Feb, You passed Your goodness before our eyes...What are you going to do this time? I felt that there would be something to do with fear of the Lord. Last night Ken brought up that the worship leader said that he felt something about the fear of the Lord. I had not told anyone what I was getting. It was a confirmation. Then Patricia saw an angel. She said that it was a "watching " angel and that it had a sword in it's hands with the point into the foundation. As she was talking about it the fear of the Lord came upon her and others. What is God going to do? I can't wait !!
Ok, this is long enough...God do what YOU want to do. We will receive whatever it is!
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. We have been asking for wisdom. ( John Paul Jackson says that the fear of the Lord is the Awe of God)
Monday, July 13, 2009
Treasure stored in heaven

This Sunday I read something on Elijah list that got me thinking. When I got to church and the worship started there was something not right. It was like there was discord in the music and the spirit. (even Judi said that she is not musical and thought something was not right) It took about 3 songs until I said to Rena " Aha! We have hit it" I remembered what I had read in the word from Elijah list and what it had spoken to me and I shared it with Rena and Judi. Judi said that I needed to share it with the leaders. So, after thinking about it I went to Mike Hinger and told him what I had gotten. He said it needed to be shared. So, after the worship was over he got me up at the front sharing this:
There are things that irritate us by making us mad, making us get offended, hurting us, bugging us etc. These are the irritants that cause a pearl of great price to grow in our lives. It is like what has irritated us is covered over by the Lord with joy. In a pearl, if you cut it in half there would not be a solid core, but layer upon layer. (just like tree rings, they would if they could tell a story)
So, all the things that are irritating us in life , if we let the Lord, will be changed into the pearls of great price (treasures stored in heaven) It gave me such encouragement and others too !! God is good ! Consider it all joy......
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Golden Ears Bridge
The first time I went over the new Golden Ears bridge, I knew that it was special ! I saw the beautiful metal eagles on the pillars and the last time I went over from the Maple Ridge side I saw the huge one on the ground at the entrance. I knew that God was showing me something, but was not sure at that point what.(the funny thing was it is called Golden EARS bridge not EAGLES ! Judi said it would have been pretty funny to see huge golden ears on the pillars ! Can't believe she said that before I did, I am usually so quick on the draw!LOL) Then a prophetic word came out of the States on Elijah list about God building new bridges to move His people around to where He wants them to be.
Wed night I went with a group of people to pray up on Eagle mountain. (coincidence?I think not !) This was the first time I had joined in with intercession since I got taken out. I was a bit tentative and was just listening to what they were praying and saying and then the Lord in my mind showed me the bridge. He told me that He was releasing the "golden eagles" the ones that had been sitting at His feet in the glory. He was releasing those with ears to hear what He was saying......
That He was preparing the way for them and it was new. I saw a huge sword come out of heaven and it was ready to be thrust into the ground in the Lower Mainland. I felt that it was a claiming of the land for the Lord once more. Some say that a sword point down says "judgement" I didn't feel that, but ?? I was holding onto what I saw and then Peter starts talking about a sword that he was seeing. Then he looks at me and said that he saw that there was a word on my lips and that I needed to release it. So I got up and spoke the word and where I was sitting a small golden jewel fell.
Amira ( I think she is Egyptian or native or something...she has an different accent)
started to prophesy over me quietly that the Lord had me in a waiting time. That He wanted me to know that I was not pushed aside and forgotten, but that He wanted me to wait. That there was something new that He was going to release and she also saw that there would be a birthing of many. ( don't know what the many meant )I got sooo
drunk in the spirit at that point and I did not want to fall as where we were sitting all around was sharp rocks !LOL She also prayed over me with a HUGE eagle feather !!
Peter at the end propesied about the new thing to me too.....?? I rest in the Lord!
It was an amazing night!!! I had been feeling kind of left out and restless before that night and now I have renewed hope !! We prayed for Canada and also the US as we could see the US border from where we were on the mountain. It was good to return to prayer !!! God is good !!!! All the time too !!
So, the golden eagles are being released !!! They have been with the Lord and are full of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord ! May they soar on high seeing things from His perspective !!!! PTL!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
A devouring

I have been devouring books these last weeks. I read " The Messianic Church Arising" then " Release The Power of Jesus" by Bill Johnson. Also, I am reading " The Christian Curses" . (or something to that effect)I read "Visions Beyond the Veil" By HA Baker. I have been listening to Kris Valloten and Bill Johnson on Podcast and soaking..... I think that the Lord is laying the base for something that He wants me to study and maybe give me a revelation of something. Seems like this is what He does with me. I guess probably there is others that He does this for. I eagerly await this.
Last Friday night at soaking just about all of us got a jewel. It is not very big, but has a green hue to it. God is good !!!
I got a couple of pictures that I am praying into. They both have something to do with the church I go to right now. The first one was I saw a set of doors and I heard them close with a loud "clang" and then the church implode. I asked the Lord what it meant and He said that sometimes things look good on the outside, but on the inside things are not quite right. The second was : I saw a very large ship (with motors) Like the one that they talked about when the church was in the ABC center.
I heard the words "Time for a refit" I saw the ship being refit with huge sails. I saw the wind start blowing hard and we were to get in position to catch the wind. If we did not then the ship would capsize. (a lady at the church has had a dream since then of a ship capsizing) I felt that the way of positioning had something to do with a big push of prayer and waiting on the Lord.
I had a dream last night and I know that it went on for a while, but all I remember was that I (and someone else) was in a car and we were trying to get up a rather steep hill. The first time we tried, we did not get there, but the second time we got up. We made a huge "run" for it and then we got up. Don't know what it means, but hopefully it will be revealed...
I got some new music the last few days and one is Julie True. It is very good soaking music ! I like her voice and the songs have a prophetic feel to them. I am searching for some new stuff, but it is hard to find. I need another find like Jonathan David Helser !!
Well, I pray that the Lord reveals what it is that He has for me in the area of revelation. I know that it is for me and maybe others. Today He highlighted John 3:16
We know that scripture so well, but I want a revelation of that even more. I never want to become blaise about any scripture !
God, I am listening!....and watching !
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I guess you can say that I am learning. God is trying to teach me some stuff and I am learning, but at a slower pace than I would like !! Like today at work I realized that I was holding something against someone and it has been a while and it was only today after work driving home that I repented and started to pray for that person. I know that I am to do that until I change my mind about them. It is a lesson that is hard but necessary.... A little humbling along the way is good for the character.
I was also was praying for those that are closest to me (not family this time) and that they would go further and higher than me. I realized again as I drove home that I have been thinking too much about what God has for me and that I needed to honour others before myself. To see them go far is something that the Lord has put in my heart. I started to pray for Rena and for Judi and others.
It is my desire to fulfill the destiny and call that He has for me, but not at the expense of others. I just saw some selfishness in me and frankly, I did not like it very much ! So, I thought that if I prayed for others instead of myself, then it would come against that spirit.
It is for something that I was saved and I desire to know God more and hear from Him what it is that He destined me to be and to do. I will search for Him with my whole heart and not stop until I find Him. I know some of Him, but I care to know more !!!
I guess He is the one that is giving me this incredible hunger to know Him more !!
So I sigh and know that nothing will satisfy me until I see Him. It is more difficult that anything that I have ever done !!! The distractions are many and the opposition of the enemy and also my flesh make it a very tough thing to do !! God, give me the grace to find you !!!!! Only YOU can satisfy !!
I was also was praying for those that are closest to me (not family this time) and that they would go further and higher than me. I realized again as I drove home that I have been thinking too much about what God has for me and that I needed to honour others before myself. To see them go far is something that the Lord has put in my heart. I started to pray for Rena and for Judi and others.
It is my desire to fulfill the destiny and call that He has for me, but not at the expense of others. I just saw some selfishness in me and frankly, I did not like it very much ! So, I thought that if I prayed for others instead of myself, then it would come against that spirit.
It is for something that I was saved and I desire to know God more and hear from Him what it is that He destined me to be and to do. I will search for Him with my whole heart and not stop until I find Him. I know some of Him, but I care to know more !!!
I guess He is the one that is giving me this incredible hunger to know Him more !!
So I sigh and know that nothing will satisfy me until I see Him. It is more difficult that anything that I have ever done !!! The distractions are many and the opposition of the enemy and also my flesh make it a very tough thing to do !! God, give me the grace to find you !!!!! Only YOU can satisfy !!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The "Women of Faith Arise" conference

I forgot to write about the conference that I went to in Hazelton. It is a very beautiful area and the people were awesome !!! I flew to Prince George and then I drove to Hazelton with Linda and Lucy. We decorated the Gitamaax Hall with butterflies and material and lots of other stuff. It looked really nice for such a big hall with very high ceiling !! Lucy did a good job ! Beth and Linda and others helped (me too)
I helped Peter and Beth at the book table that had King's In books etc on it and some Watchmen stuff that Peter had brought. Beth suggested that I sell my bracelets there and it took some thinking before I could. I sold about 25 of them or so. There was many blessings from the reactions of people as they looked at them. One stood out for me and that was a lady that came up and asked me about what they meant and as she listened she picked up the one called "Righteousness". She asked me what righteouness meant. I told her that it meant that it meant being right with God. (thru Christ as our righteousness)I told her that she was righteous before God because of Jesus and she said " But I smoke" I said " Hey, you know that it is bad for your health and you need to quit, but it does not change the fact that you are righteous before God because of what Jesus did. " At that point she said that she wanted to buy it and that would I pray over it and her. I did and I told her that as she wore it, it would remind her that she had righteousness thru Christ. I told her that as she got to know God more and got closer to Him, that she would lose the need to smoke and that He would heal her. She was so blessed, she went away wearing her bracelet and smiling a beautiful smile. She had looked so serious when she had first come up.
At one point at the conf. I felt a burden and started to travail. I turned to Beth and said that I did not understand as I knew that God had said to rest from intercession for 3 months and it was not up. She said it was like if God asked her to stop leading worship for 3 months. Would He expect her to stop worshipping herself personally? That is was something for me. (at one point someone had mentioned that there would be birthing and that we would be birthing ourselves)
Peter came and gave me a hug as I was crying and upset and spoke words and prayer over me and that helped me so much. I am not sure what he prayed, but I know that it went deep in my spirit !!!
God taught me a lot this trip and I was with those that mean a lot to me, so it was a safe place to be, even in hard times. I love that God has brought them all into my life ! ( I say that and mean it even though I know that some read my post ! LOL)
I will not forget that conference and I would like to go back there. This time I would like to take Rena with me. She needs to connect with her First Nations roots !!
God is good !
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
What IS the Lord doing?

Can't say definitively what the Lord is doing right now in my life... I know that there are areas that need defining and I need to push into the Lord for the answers.
I met with my church leadership (one of them) today and shared my heart and what I was getting. Some laughter, some tears and some understanding on both sides. God has given me a love for that man (in Christ) and talking to him was what I needed. Now, if only I knew what was up... I can feel a change coming and I don't know how it will look and be. This morning in the time between waking and sleeping when God often speaks I saw myself with a broken car antenna. I was trying to fix it with wire and then tape and it wasn't working. Then I saw a hand come and take the antenna from me and replace it with one that was no broken. I have some understanding what that was all about, but I think that there is more for me...
I am reading " Visions Beyond the Veil" by HA Baker. (Heidi Baker's Dad or grandfather, can't remember) The visions and experiences that the children of the mission had were incredible ! The colours that they spoke about. Reminded me of the colours that I had seen before. It is cementing in me just how real the spiritual realm is !! I knew it in my mind, but I think that it is moving down to my heart !!!
I like that !!
All the books I am reading, the verses that I am reading in the Bible , the Podcasts that I have downloaded on my iPOD of Kris Valloten and the visions and words that the Holy Spirit is showing me, all are starting to come together in a picture, but right now I don't know what that picture is ! This is how the Lord works with me. First the reading and studying and then the word and the understanding. Last night as I was watching some tv program I felt the stirring in my tummy (spirit) and I turned off the tv and waited for the Lord to speak. I waited and waited and He said nothing. Just felt that He was wanting to know if I would drop what I was doing to let Him speak OR it was not yet time and it was just a stirring.... makes me wonder.
So, Lord, what ARE You doing? I guess you will tell me/show me when the time is Kairos time. I wait till then with hope and peace.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
I have always had a certain idea as to what holiness meant, but since I read the book " The Rising of the Messianic Church" that has changed considerably !!!
The man who wrote the book says that we tend to be taught and we think that holiness and cleanliness are the same. He says that this is not true. Cleanliness has more to do with righteousness. Holiness , he says, should be defined as " special ; not common". He says that things that God considers holy are not to be treated as common, but are to be treated as special and made to be set apart from using them for ordinary things .
One example he gives is that our tithe is holy. The money that we tithe should not be treated the same way that the rest of our money is used - for day to day things.
That this money is for what God wants it to be used for and the upkeep of the church.
This is one of the reasons that when I get my paycheck, that I get my tithe out first and put it away, not allowing myself to be tempted to use it, even in emergency. It is holy, set apart for God's use.
The one scripture says that we are holy because He (Jesus) is holy. OR, we are special and made for a purpose other than the ordinary because Jesus lives in us.
That means that we are not made to be ordinary, with ordinary lives, but we are made to live extraordinary lives !!! We should not treat ourselves or other Christians as common, ordinary folk ! They (and us) are special (or holy)
He used an example, that God set the furnishing of the temple as holy. They were not made to be used for common everyday things. They were to be set apart to use in the ministry to and worship of the Lord. A priest would not wash his clothes in the brazen laver !!!
There is always a blessing attached to the treating things/people as holy. IF you consider ____ holy, then you will ________. It all depends on that it is that you are talking about.
The best example that he used was about the difference between everyday china and good china. Everyday china is used everyday, where the good china is used on special occasions, for special purposes and to honour special people. When the good china gets dirty, it is still special, even though there are bits of food on them. When we wash them we treat them different than the everyday china. We wash them separately and carefully as they are special. On the other hand, the everyday china is still common and ordinary dirty or clean. So, no matter if we are dirty or clean it does not take away from the fact that we are special and set apart for special purposes and time and God.
This really freed me from trying to "be holy", trying to clean up, striving.....
Yes, it is still important that we allow God to "clean " us up, but this is such a different way to see it !
Thank You God, that you made us special, with Your own hands . You love us and desire to see ourselves as made for a special purpose. We are NOT a common people, but extraordinary...
The man who wrote the book says that we tend to be taught and we think that holiness and cleanliness are the same. He says that this is not true. Cleanliness has more to do with righteousness. Holiness , he says, should be defined as " special ; not common". He says that things that God considers holy are not to be treated as common, but are to be treated as special and made to be set apart from using them for ordinary things .
One example he gives is that our tithe is holy. The money that we tithe should not be treated the same way that the rest of our money is used - for day to day things.
That this money is for what God wants it to be used for and the upkeep of the church.
This is one of the reasons that when I get my paycheck, that I get my tithe out first and put it away, not allowing myself to be tempted to use it, even in emergency. It is holy, set apart for God's use.
The one scripture says that we are holy because He (Jesus) is holy. OR, we are special and made for a purpose other than the ordinary because Jesus lives in us.
That means that we are not made to be ordinary, with ordinary lives, but we are made to live extraordinary lives !!! We should not treat ourselves or other Christians as common, ordinary folk ! They (and us) are special (or holy)
He used an example, that God set the furnishing of the temple as holy. They were not made to be used for common everyday things. They were to be set apart to use in the ministry to and worship of the Lord. A priest would not wash his clothes in the brazen laver !!!
There is always a blessing attached to the treating things/people as holy. IF you consider ____ holy, then you will ________. It all depends on that it is that you are talking about.
The best example that he used was about the difference between everyday china and good china. Everyday china is used everyday, where the good china is used on special occasions, for special purposes and to honour special people. When the good china gets dirty, it is still special, even though there are bits of food on them. When we wash them we treat them different than the everyday china. We wash them separately and carefully as they are special. On the other hand, the everyday china is still common and ordinary dirty or clean. So, no matter if we are dirty or clean it does not take away from the fact that we are special and set apart for special purposes and time and God.
This really freed me from trying to "be holy", trying to clean up, striving.....
Yes, it is still important that we allow God to "clean " us up, but this is such a different way to see it !
Thank You God, that you made us special, with Your own hands . You love us and desire to see ourselves as made for a special purpose. We are NOT a common people, but extraordinary...
Monday, June 1, 2009
Living Stones of Remembrance
Last night I went to an amazing meeting in Aldergrove at the County Line Christian Fellowship church. The pastor had called a meeting so that we could listen to and be blessed by some living remembrance stones.
One man was Otis Clark from Seattle. He is 106 years young and was a part of Azuza Street. Another was Jim Watt from Seattle who is the last elder from the North Battleford Revival of 1948 (Latter Rain Revival). The last one was a lady named Rose that was commisioned by Smith Wigglesworth and is still travelling the world at 95 years young. Jim Watt was the baby at 85 years young.
Jim spoke and as he spoke I could feel the impartation that he was releasing. It was amazing !! He spoke about the revival and how it happened and he got us to sing in the spirit just as they had all those years ago when the "heavenly choir " showed up. It was soooo beautiful !! The people there are so hungry ! Otis and Rose got up and blessed us and spoke a few minutes . Otis is a black man and sounded like Louis Armstrong! He said that we are on God's side. He is still very spry at his age and does not use a wheelchair. Jim looked like a young man as he spoke with power under the unction of the Holy Spirit.
At the beginning was some great worship that got me to the throne room. I was in heaven (literally) Good stuff !
At the end the 3 and others got up the front and they laid hands on people as they went by. Albert Zehr was there and was asked to participate.
The first ones to go thru were the First Nations people that were there. There were 3 from Hazelton (one was Dale) and also that young girl from Vancouver that I forget her name (Sam adopted her). I was so happy when they called the First Nations first. Good for that pastor !! He has a burden for Canada and revival. He was the one that called all those 3 and set it up for Pentecost Sunday. It all fell into place very easily and we acknowledged that it was God !
Got to talk to Murray Dueck again and that was pretty cool ! I will be going to his Intimacy conference this month for sure !!!
So, we touched living stones of remebrance last night. Living testimonies of the goodness of God !!!!
One man was Otis Clark from Seattle. He is 106 years young and was a part of Azuza Street. Another was Jim Watt from Seattle who is the last elder from the North Battleford Revival of 1948 (Latter Rain Revival). The last one was a lady named Rose that was commisioned by Smith Wigglesworth and is still travelling the world at 95 years young. Jim Watt was the baby at 85 years young.
Jim spoke and as he spoke I could feel the impartation that he was releasing. It was amazing !! He spoke about the revival and how it happened and he got us to sing in the spirit just as they had all those years ago when the "heavenly choir " showed up. It was soooo beautiful !! The people there are so hungry ! Otis and Rose got up and blessed us and spoke a few minutes . Otis is a black man and sounded like Louis Armstrong! He said that we are on God's side. He is still very spry at his age and does not use a wheelchair. Jim looked like a young man as he spoke with power under the unction of the Holy Spirit.
At the beginning was some great worship that got me to the throne room. I was in heaven (literally) Good stuff !
At the end the 3 and others got up the front and they laid hands on people as they went by. Albert Zehr was there and was asked to participate.
The first ones to go thru were the First Nations people that were there. There were 3 from Hazelton (one was Dale) and also that young girl from Vancouver that I forget her name (Sam adopted her). I was so happy when they called the First Nations first. Good for that pastor !! He has a burden for Canada and revival. He was the one that called all those 3 and set it up for Pentecost Sunday. It all fell into place very easily and we acknowledged that it was God !
Got to talk to Murray Dueck again and that was pretty cool ! I will be going to his Intimacy conference this month for sure !!!
So, we touched living stones of remebrance last night. Living testimonies of the goodness of God !!!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tonight at soaking I heard the Lord say that I was a "seeker" on a journey. I thought about the scripture: One thing I ask, this is what I seek. That I would dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon His beautiful face. (ok it is late and I am not sure of the exact words)
He showed me a vision of the River of God. HE said to me that there are many that want the river of God and that when they get there they stay there. They play in the river, live in it, live beside it etc (nothing wrong with the river) He said to the source. He said that Moses , when he saw the burning bush, stayed for a while, but went on to seek the source...
I am getting opposition for me seeking the Lord and stepping back from "doing stuff".
It is funny that it comes from unexpected sources !! The last 3 months with this rest, I felt that it was the Lord telling me to take this rest.... I was obedient.
Now I feel a drawing similar to one a few years come aside and seek Him alone. The last time was when I got many personal songs from the Lord.
The other day I was sitting asking the Lord what it was that He had for me in this new season and I got no answer. A little while later, the scripture " It is the glory of God to hide a matter, and the glory of kings to seek it out" dropped in my mind. I need (desperately) to get closer to the Lord !!!! Bobby Conner says that you have to come close to get an embrace, so I want to come closer and go deeper with the Lord so that He can embrace me and I can embrace Him and what He is doing>>>
I suspect that the cost for this may be higher than last time He called me aside. I am feeling the Esther call again, only this time I know that it is deeper.... In the last few months the Lord has been showing me who I identity and I think that some is finally getting into my spirit/soul, yes and even body. I pray that my marriage will stay strong through this all !!!! He is not saved yet , but the warfare is actually coming more from saved people. God, cover us with Your blood !!!
Kathie Pelton wrote in her word about the 4th man in the fire:
I did not have to engage in the warfare, only in the intimacy.
"The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest."—Exodus 14:14
This is our weapon of warfare...INTIMACY! The Lord will fight for us as we are kept in His peace and rest (in stillness and quietness). So, allow the Lord to take you to where the green meadows and still waters are and watch His deliverance win the war for you. Keep your eyes on Him and off of the flames.
Is God worth it? YES ! Will it be worth it? YES ! PTL that I have some friends that understand !!! I want to honour them and bless them now !!!!! I thank God for them !
Just understand that this is a season and that it is time for me to SEEK the Lord while He may be found. He is definitely calling me and I am answering...
He showed me a vision of the River of God. HE said to me that there are many that want the river of God and that when they get there they stay there. They play in the river, live in it, live beside it etc (nothing wrong with the river) He said to the source. He said that Moses , when he saw the burning bush, stayed for a while, but went on to seek the source...
I am getting opposition for me seeking the Lord and stepping back from "doing stuff".
It is funny that it comes from unexpected sources !! The last 3 months with this rest, I felt that it was the Lord telling me to take this rest.... I was obedient.
Now I feel a drawing similar to one a few years come aside and seek Him alone. The last time was when I got many personal songs from the Lord.
The other day I was sitting asking the Lord what it was that He had for me in this new season and I got no answer. A little while later, the scripture " It is the glory of God to hide a matter, and the glory of kings to seek it out" dropped in my mind. I need (desperately) to get closer to the Lord !!!! Bobby Conner says that you have to come close to get an embrace, so I want to come closer and go deeper with the Lord so that He can embrace me and I can embrace Him and what He is doing>>>
I suspect that the cost for this may be higher than last time He called me aside. I am feeling the Esther call again, only this time I know that it is deeper.... In the last few months the Lord has been showing me who I identity and I think that some is finally getting into my spirit/soul, yes and even body. I pray that my marriage will stay strong through this all !!!! He is not saved yet , but the warfare is actually coming more from saved people. God, cover us with Your blood !!!
Kathie Pelton wrote in her word about the 4th man in the fire:
I did not have to engage in the warfare, only in the intimacy.
"The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest."—Exodus 14:14
This is our weapon of warfare...INTIMACY! The Lord will fight for us as we are kept in His peace and rest (in stillness and quietness). So, allow the Lord to take you to where the green meadows and still waters are and watch His deliverance win the war for you. Keep your eyes on Him and off of the flames.
Is God worth it? YES ! Will it be worth it? YES ! PTL that I have some friends that understand !!! I want to honour them and bless them now !!!!! I thank God for them !
Just understand that this is a season and that it is time for me to SEEK the Lord while He may be found. He is definitely calling me and I am answering...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Made To Invade
Did you know that we are made to invade? That is what God was speaking to me this morning. We are not mean to die of hunger or thirst when there is a banqueting table set for kings and queens right before us.I saw a vision a week ago of a man with a backpack on his back crawling in a vast desert. The backpack was empty (all that he had brought with him was gone) His eyes were white with blindness. Right in front of him was a banqueting table, but he could not see it....
We are not meant to be held captive in our comfort zone , but we are meant to be free. (Jesus came to set us free...totally) Where there is the impossible, we are meant to fly !!! (with the wind of the Spirit holding us up)
We are not meant to be paralyzed in fear, but to move and operate in love ! To even go one step further and that love casts out all fear. In it's perfection it has the power to do that !!
We are not meant to walk thru this life crippled, but to run with the Lord where He directs us.
God hates sin, we know that , but He also hates sickness. He sent His Son to die for the sin, but He also sent His Son to be whipped for the sickness. (By His stripes we are healed) So, we are to hate what He hates and so we should hate sin AND sickness.
Sin is to the soul as sickness is to the body. We are meant to be whole and healed!
We are not meant to be silent. We have been given a voice to be the Voice of the Lord on this earth. We need to SHOUT, we need to PRAISE, we need to declare the Word when God asks us to. Silence is NOT golden !! (or an option)
We are not meant to hide out talents. They are meant for multiplication !!! Everything in God's Kingdom is about multiplication ! What we sow is what we reap.
Many times over.
We are not meant to stay in our little fortified churches, afraid of the big giants in the land. In the OT when a leper touched us we became unclean. In the NT when Jesus saw a leper, He touched them and they became clean. We are not meant to be afraid of the darkness but we are meant to take the light INTO the darkness and dispell it ! We are meant to invade the darkness and change it !!! The church is more afraid of being polluted with things of the darkness than it is of invading the darkness !! We are meant to GO!! (the giants should be our bread)
We are made to trust in the Lord. We are made to believe what He says. We are made to take the knowledge of the glory of the Lord throughout all the earth. Show His goodness to all mankind. Give that glass of water to the dying man...
We are not meant to be "good little Christians " that go to church on Sunday and the rest of the week we exist. We are made to be radical !(mountain movers) We are made to risk !!! We are made to invade !! Where is God asking you to invade?
We are not meant to be held captive in our comfort zone , but we are meant to be free. (Jesus came to set us free...totally) Where there is the impossible, we are meant to fly !!! (with the wind of the Spirit holding us up)
We are not meant to be paralyzed in fear, but to move and operate in love ! To even go one step further and that love casts out all fear. In it's perfection it has the power to do that !!
We are not meant to walk thru this life crippled, but to run with the Lord where He directs us.
God hates sin, we know that , but He also hates sickness. He sent His Son to die for the sin, but He also sent His Son to be whipped for the sickness. (By His stripes we are healed) So, we are to hate what He hates and so we should hate sin AND sickness.
Sin is to the soul as sickness is to the body. We are meant to be whole and healed!
We are not meant to be silent. We have been given a voice to be the Voice of the Lord on this earth. We need to SHOUT, we need to PRAISE, we need to declare the Word when God asks us to. Silence is NOT golden !! (or an option)
We are not meant to hide out talents. They are meant for multiplication !!! Everything in God's Kingdom is about multiplication ! What we sow is what we reap.
Many times over.
We are not meant to stay in our little fortified churches, afraid of the big giants in the land. In the OT when a leper touched us we became unclean. In the NT when Jesus saw a leper, He touched them and they became clean. We are not meant to be afraid of the darkness but we are meant to take the light INTO the darkness and dispell it ! We are meant to invade the darkness and change it !!! The church is more afraid of being polluted with things of the darkness than it is of invading the darkness !! We are meant to GO!! (the giants should be our bread)
We are made to trust in the Lord. We are made to believe what He says. We are made to take the knowledge of the glory of the Lord throughout all the earth. Show His goodness to all mankind. Give that glass of water to the dying man...
We are not meant to be "good little Christians " that go to church on Sunday and the rest of the week we exist. We are made to be radical !(mountain movers) We are made to risk !!! We are made to invade !! Where is God asking you to invade?
Friday, April 17, 2009
On the Wind

There is something that is happening to me and I can only discern that I am getting hungrier for the Lord to move and overflow in my life !!! I am reading a book right now called "Amazed by the Power of God" and it has a number of well known people's
writings in it. The first one was Bill Johnson and he literally blew up some of my beliefs that I was amazed !! After that was Randy Clark, Bobby Conners, Steve Hill, and so many more !!! I love what the others wrote, but it is Bill Johnson that has so far impacted me the most !!!
I am understanding so much more about the gospel of the Kingdom instead of the gospel of salvation ! I guess I just fell in with others and thought that salvation was what we needed to share. Now I am understanding why it is the gospel of the Kingdom instead ! Kind of tweaks your beliefs !!
I realize that it is the Lord's presence we need period. That we should not move until He moves. I "knew" that but I understand it so much more !! Waiting on Him and not moving ahead of Him. The difference between the holy and the profane. (there we go again about that ) profane being doing something that the Lord has not asked us to do. (no matter what reason we give for doing it)
One of the writers of this book spoke on the releasing of the Zadok priesthood. They were the ones that would minister to God only. There is so much mixture and humanism in the Church that they need to rise and teach the difference between right and wrong, the holy and profane.....
It was funny, I was reading a humorous cartoon book and I don't remember what the cartoon was, but the question was " Are you a rock or a leaf?" Immediately I knew that the Lord was asking me that. I pondered that for a while, as I was at work. What I got was this: During a "new" move of God (or a change or transition) when the winds of change start to blow, will I be a rock and not moved or will I be a leaf carried by the wind to where the Lord wants me to go? Of course, I desire to be a leaf. It just kind of reminds me of being lifted by the wind that enables me to fly. Just a tidbit there.....
Let Your wind blow , Lord , and take me to the places that You want me. I will soar on Your wind and see high above the things that tried to hold me down on earth ! You came to set us free and I pray that we start walking (flying) in that freedom !
Blow winds of God Blow!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
He Rejoices Over Us With Singing

This morning as I was soaking with the Lord before church I knew that something was up . When I got to church I felt like I was home again. I had felt soooo disconnected the last few weeks and was wondering if I was still to be a part of TC (Transform Central)
During the worship I "saw" a large heart come down from above and as we sang it started to rotate. As we sang more it rotated faster and faster. Then beams of light (laser beams) started coming from the heart. As more and more entered in, the rotating and beams intensified. I asked the Lord " What is this?" He said that He was rejoicing over us. I knew that I had to go up front and share with the Body about this, but I was hesitant , as I had said to the leaders that I would not share a word until I was healed from all that hurt. I eventually had no choice but to go up front and share. I said what I saw and then I said that I know that the Lord was releasing something, but I did not know what it was. (normally I would wait until I got the whole word before I would share)
I shared and then Sharon Gailey got up and said that when I spoke out that God was releasing something and I didn't know what, she said she got what it was. He was releasing the truth. The truth that we are loved by Him and that we are accepted and that we needed to let go of the lies that told us different.
There were other words that went with this to complete the picture. After the words were done I felt the Lord say to me the scripture " We know in part and prophesy in part..." He was showing me Body Ministry. That I didn't need to wait for the other parts as I went up it allowed others to release the other parts !! I laughed and laughed. God is good !
Holly was down from Kelowna and she prayed for me. She again saw the colours released over me and she saw paintings and paintings. She saw them being used in the marketplace and there was more but by that time I was toasted !!
So, on Sat when I met up with Rena at Michael's she saw me and said God just said " You're gonna be healed !" We wondered at the illnesses and problems physically that I have and what was going to be healed. When all this happened today I turned to Rena and said. I am healed. We started to laugh. ( we actually had laughed through most of the service )
During the worship there was wave after wave coming from the front ( I am sitting at the back now for this season) I turned to Rena and said " God said to ride the wave. Don't bail !"
At one point I could feel myself trying to launch off my feet but was tied to the earth. I saw a whirlwind (actually could feel it) and I got the story about Elijah and the whirlwind of fire. It wasn't that I thought that I was going up into a whirlwind of fire, but that it was a whirlwind of love (fire). Don't know if that makes sense, but it was what I saw and felt.
So, today my precious Father in heaven was rejoicing (spinning) over us!! What a cool thought !!!
Make Me a Voice

I was just listening to Rick Pino's new cd " Songs for An End Time Army" and there is a part of one of the songs that is stuck in my head. It is "Make me a voice, make me a voice, make me a voice , make me a voice, crying out in the wilderness" It is like my (and the church's) voice in the wilderness is too quiet, we need a VOICE!!
Declaring that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand !" I am drawn when I am out of the house, to look at and cry over those that are lost and crippled/blind/deaf ! I cried out in the car yesterday (after seeing 2 people in wheelchairs) Lord, where is the power, forgive me that I am not walking in the "and these signs shall follow)"I have been too afraid to GO! I desire to lay hands on the sick and they SHALL recover !!!
The blind WILL see ! The deaf WILL hear !!! I am drawn to those crippled ! It is like the Lord is getting me ready to GO ! Both Rena and I are experiencing the same thing. She keeps hearing a phone ringing. We are tired of the same old church stuff and desire to make a difference....I want to be a voice crying out !!!! I really don't know all this is about, but it is getting stronger and soon I will be compelled to GO ! I need to find/recover my voice. I have had no voice long enough !!! Those in the church can hear it, but it is not for them all the time !!!
The other song that sticks with me is from the Martyr's song: They loved not their lives , even unto death ! I have been seeing too much flesh on me these days and I want me and the Lord to put it to death !! I realized while I was soaking this morning that my feet are in bad shape with the heel spurs, and that my walk is hobbled too right now. I need some healing.......
Lord, MAKE ME A VOICE! Amen!
Friday, April 10, 2009
I realized tonight at soaking, when Deborah began talking about it, that God is speaking to the Body about identity. That knowing Him and who HE is is really important, but that for what is coming we need to know our identity in Him and be firm in it !! I have been speaking to God about it for a while now. When Karinne gave me the crown necklace out of the blue, I knew that God was serious about it !!
Tonight he gave some people jewels that are at least 3-4 times bigger than the one that I got that was 3-4 times bigger than the ones Judi and Rena got. They are getting bigger. One was a triangle sort of cut that was green one way and then when you tipped it to the light it was gold. One person got a pink bagette cut one and another one was red shaped like a long rectangle. They are amazing, but God is more amazing !! We run around looking at all the jewels like little kids !! Gifts from Dad!
I know that God is talking to me right now in bits and pieces. I would read a scripture at work and then after work I would be listening to Bill Johnson's cd and he would speak about the same scripture. Or I would read a scripture and the music cd I had on had a song in it that sang about that scripture. I guess I am mostly in Hebrews for some reason. Oh Vivian, you know ! It is about faith. All this new year to me has been about faith, a deeper walk. I just stand amazed at how He works things in us !
Made my first prophetic bracelet today. I call it " The Heart of Jesus" It is red and gold with the hearts being red and the center part is gold. Rena is teaching me how to make them. We are also making prophetic scarves. The one that I will work on this weekend is called " Revelation" and is a beautiful blue silk. The beading could be the hardest thing on it. I sure hope that it turns out !! Our company is called
" Revive Designs" ( Re for Rena and viv for you guessed it !)
Rena and I had lunch together today and shared what God had been speaking over the week to us both. It is really interesting what God shares with us. God is good !!
Dad, give me a greater revelation of who I am in YOU !!
Tonight he gave some people jewels that are at least 3-4 times bigger than the one that I got that was 3-4 times bigger than the ones Judi and Rena got. They are getting bigger. One was a triangle sort of cut that was green one way and then when you tipped it to the light it was gold. One person got a pink bagette cut one and another one was red shaped like a long rectangle. They are amazing, but God is more amazing !! We run around looking at all the jewels like little kids !! Gifts from Dad!
I know that God is talking to me right now in bits and pieces. I would read a scripture at work and then after work I would be listening to Bill Johnson's cd and he would speak about the same scripture. Or I would read a scripture and the music cd I had on had a song in it that sang about that scripture. I guess I am mostly in Hebrews for some reason. Oh Vivian, you know ! It is about faith. All this new year to me has been about faith, a deeper walk. I just stand amazed at how He works things in us !
Made my first prophetic bracelet today. I call it " The Heart of Jesus" It is red and gold with the hearts being red and the center part is gold. Rena is teaching me how to make them. We are also making prophetic scarves. The one that I will work on this weekend is called " Revelation" and is a beautiful blue silk. The beading could be the hardest thing on it. I sure hope that it turns out !! Our company is called
" Revive Designs" ( Re for Rena and viv for you guessed it !)
Rena and I had lunch together today and shared what God had been speaking over the week to us both. It is really interesting what God shares with us. God is good !!
Dad, give me a greater revelation of who I am in YOU !!
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Friday April 3, 2009 was a time of reconnection with the "Watson" side of the family. I had not seen my cousins ( first and second) for awhile and that was awesome and then seeing my sister who lives in Calgary and my brother who lives in Houston Texas was a bonus too. Too bad it was at a funeral !
My sister and I through the years have reconciled any differences and get along very well. We have done lots of travelling over the last few years together. It is amazing how we get along now as that was not always the case! This weekend was a time of starting the reconcilliation with my brother Jack. His third marriage just broke up before Christmas and he took some courses that showed him that family was important and I feel that he was ready to let the past be the past. It was a good time of laughter and tears saying goodbye to the last of that generation of the Watson clan. The cousins are all that remain. We spoke about all the jokes that my Uncle George played on us and the stories that he told with that British humor with no smile on his face and we believed him for many years things that were not true. He always had the last laugh, but not in a mean spirited way! He was a true gentleman and very intelligent and loved boats and the sea.
My Dad and Uncle George and their Mom and Dad lived in Ocean Falls BC in it's hayday. At one time the family bought a small boat called "The Lion". They, however, did not like the name and because they were Scottish, they kept the letters and mixed them around to call the boat " The NILO" This was always a great laugh for the family. So, yesterday we went to the Red Lion Pub ( we laughingly called it the Red Nilo Pub) and raised a glass to Uncle George and visited for the last time this visit with Jack and Trish. It was a good day!
I will miss my uncle, although over the years the visits had become fewer and fewer. Last Oct (2008) he turned 90 years old and had a funfilled life. He , over the last 9 years had missed his "Peg "O My Life" (my Auntie Lorraine) and now they are reunited !I pray that it is in heaven!!!
Uncle George...till me meet again !! Love you !
Friday, April 3, 2009
God is good

God's goodness constantly amazes me and yet it is there before my eyes every day ! Even when things are tough I stand on His goodness. It is His glory ! He wants good things for me and He has good plans for me....He is all good. Only God is good !
I went to Alastair and Judy Mac Arthur's last night for dinner. I had asked to meet with them because I can talk about things and they help me to understand some things that are not very clear to me. Last night was no exception. I laid my heart bare about what had happened and how I was feeling. I told them the revelations that God was giving me and how the hurt was affecting me. It helped to get it out and not even to hold back some things that I shared with no one else. Even though they are younger than me, I feel like they are like a Mom and Dad to me. I need that !!
They are totally in agreement that I am to go to the ladies retreat in Hazelton. They feel that there is something that will be significant to me happen there. Alastair felt that there was some ministry of some sort that will happen and then I can push. Something is there that the Lord needs to take away. His word that he gave was very graphic so I will not share it on here. I witnessed with it right away and knew that it was from God.
What Alastair and Judy spoke to me and over me were confirmations of things that the Lord had been speaking to me. I made it very clear to them that I KNEW with everything in me that God is directing me in this and that God is good in this.
All in all it was a good night and I was truly blessed by my friends. I also heard about Al's work in Columbia and what they are doing as a couple. It is so awesome to see them released in God's work! In the marketplace.
I will not be shaken off the rock of God is good. That is what I cling to when things get bad. I have a joy and a peace that is really unusual in this world, but that in the Kingdom is a truth. I now understand " beyond understanding "!!
Once more I say GOD IS GOOD!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
On Daddy's Shoulders

I know that I am riding on Daddy's shoulders. The last few days have been a ride and it has been a real struggle to find comfort in all this. Yesterday was the hardest day on my walk with the Lord. At times I felt that I could not understand what was going on. Good thing that I have an absolute understanding that I am going thru the fire and that God is refining me. I know that Jesus is there in the fire with me and that I will come out of this stronger and better than before. Kinda like the joy set before me, I will endure, but to be honest it has been some bad stuff. I did not sleep at all last night and I was walking around in a fog today. I am glad that it is
the last day of work tomorrow for the weekend. I just need some time with me and my heavenly Dad. Some times I think that I need to go aside and lick some wounds and then other times I think that there needs to be a pushing thru. I know that God is directing me and that is comforting, but I have to trust Him that He will take me where I need to be. It really has been a stepping off the cliff and flying. Most times right now I feel like I am falling without a net. Faith building this has been.
I know that I cannot do anything in my own strength as it just would not help.
Sorry to sound like such a downer, but it is a time of refining and it hurts ! Transition hurts. Saw myself in the cocoon and being transformed/changed and that it was a time that was most uncomfortable.
Chuck Pierce sent a word yesterday and what I got from it was that being comfortable is a form of captivity. That when you are comfortable with something/ministry/whatever, you don't move forward or listen for the next move or the next season, you just sit in your comfortable place and stagnate. That was me, I needed to be ripped from that place and it was painful. It has been 6 months now and now it is time for me to heal.
That is why I am glad that I am on Daddy's shoulders on this ride. There is a safety and joy in this. Daddy, I want to ride with you. I want to go higher and higher and touch Your face ! Thanks Daddy for carrying me thru this ! I love You
Monday, March 23, 2009
Adorning His Bride
Friday, March 13, 2009
Soaking was tonight and it was great ! About 4 people got red jewels and 3 got blue.
I really want one, but I will have to wait until I do !
Got a word tonight and he basically said that the Lord was going to teach me to soar ! Above the clouds and the storms. That I was being tried, tested but have remained true. (he had no idea that I was going thru anything)
Rena and I got laughter before it started and then after it ended. Just like 2 pieces of bread with the soaking as the middle. We are now in a small church as Deborah and Peter's was too small. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger. People are definitely hungry for intimacy with the Lord !!! I know that I am !!!!!!!!!!
Feeling a lot better today. Have been real tired and I think a lot of that was emotion and stress. Bought myself new jeans and a shirt. That made me feel lots better LOL....I needed them for sure, the other ones were thread bare !!
Thanks for those that have prayed for me and the situation !! I am doing good !! Love you
I really want one, but I will have to wait until I do !
Got a word tonight and he basically said that the Lord was going to teach me to soar ! Above the clouds and the storms. That I was being tried, tested but have remained true. (he had no idea that I was going thru anything)
Rena and I got laughter before it started and then after it ended. Just like 2 pieces of bread with the soaking as the middle. We are now in a small church as Deborah and Peter's was too small. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger. People are definitely hungry for intimacy with the Lord !!! I know that I am !!!!!!!!!!
Feeling a lot better today. Have been real tired and I think a lot of that was emotion and stress. Bought myself new jeans and a shirt. That made me feel lots better LOL....I needed them for sure, the other ones were thread bare !!
Thanks for those that have prayed for me and the situation !! I am doing good !! Love you
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
And then it took a sharp turn....

On Sunday, I got a vision and in it was the ride " Mad Mouse". It is like a rollercoaster but every so often it takes a very sharp turn. If you are not ready for the turn then you get a stiff neck.....
Didn't know that I was speaking to me !!!!!! Right after the preservice prayer (where I saw that) I was called in the office by one of the leaders and told that I was stepping down from prayer (both Tues night and preservice) as Mike Hinger wanted to teach the "Happy Intercessor" book from Bethel church in Redding CA. He said that they wanted me to take a "rest" and that I could still come (if I wanted to) Also, he wanted me to come on Tues night so that they could "honor" me and I said "No". He also said that the leaders had said no to the "Feast".
When I went upstairs I bumped into one of my friends (Rena) and started to cry. I said that I could not stay as I felt very dishonored and hurt. We went to her house so that I could cry some and talk some of it out.
It really all started last Nov/Dec when I was wrestling with the Lord and was in a bad place. It took a while (weeks) before I could say to the Lord, yes, I will lay down leading intercession and anything else that He wanted me to do. Then right after Christmas was when I had the visit by the Lord and He told me that it was time to step off the edge and fly. I felt renewed and with more vision and energy and excitement. I should have read the signs that were all around !!!
The funny thing is that this is the 8th year that I am at the church (new beginnings) and that all this happened on the 8th of March, on the day that the time "sprung forward".
I know now as this happened I realized that there was still a wound there in me that had gotten infected and this "cut" opened up the wound and it began to drain poison. At one point I was awake from 5 am and was "writing" e-mails in my head to the leaders.
The Lord showed me that as I was doing this in my head and speaking to Him, that the poison was draining out and it was starting to heal. The Word is washing over the old and new wounds and I am feeling better than I was on Sunday (seems like weeks ago) I was thinking of phoning Mike as he had called me and asked how I was doing and then proceeded to tell me that they were going to honor me with or without me there. (at one point I wondered who the honoring was for) When I started thinking about what I was going to say I realized that there was still poison there and that I needed it ALL gone before I talked to him.
I have asked Alastair and Judy for ministry when they get home and they said that they would. They ministered to me in Dec when I was going thru all that tough time.
He had said to me at the time, This is a process that you are walking thru and we can only pray for you thru this.
One of the signs that I almost missed was the change in the words spoken over me lately from "you are a warrior /intercessor etc" to them speaking about more dreams, visions, hearing and discernment intensified etc. It was about the 7th time that someone spoke it out that I realized that something had changed ! I don't know what it is all about, but I feel like the floor has just fallen out from under my feet and that I need to fly or fall. It is a very scary thing!! Intercession had become comfortable for me and the Lord had told me 8 years ago as I entered the church that I was NOT to get comfortable !!!
The biggest thing I have come to realize is that for some reason I had taken on part of my identity from my gifting. I was an intercessor. God has been trying to get that out of my head/heart and teach me who I am in Him. I am His child!!! Just in the last few days He told me that He is giving me a new name. ( He showed me that I had been Intercessor Vivian ) He was showing me about the name being more than just a name, but a characteristic. This new name is going to be who I am now. I don't know that it will be a new name as in Vivian to Sue, but I won't know until.....
I saw that it was a new season for me and the pic that I saw was the changing of the face of a man to the face of a ?. (I think Beth wrote me something about that..some word that John got over someone about the 4 living creatures)
This morning I woke up singing " The eagles are a rising, the white eagles are a fly fly" by Rick Pino. It was a prophetic song about the prophetic rising. Don't know what this means either, but I am taking a 3 month rest and stepping back from everything. I will be pressing into the Lord and He is what I am seeking first. I know this all adds up to something, but I will not second guess God.
I only want to do what He is asking me to do. So, you see, I already knew that this would happen, but there were things that needed healing too.
It was just a really quick 90 degree turn and my neck got a little sore on the way.....I am walking thru this and need friends to help me along the way. My first thought was I need to go to Prince George. Now I know that God will treat me to that when it is time. (and Beth and Peter will have me there)
Keep a watch for the turn and you will not get a stiff neck of offence !!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Wavering between fear and joy

Well, the title really says it as when you know and see what God wants you to do, there is a wavering between times of fear and times of great joy. I want to live in the joy, but I am walking it out right now. Good thing that there is grace!!
One of the leaders wants to talk to me about the "Feast" and I believe that it could be a "go". I get glimpses in the spirit about things that are in store for me and I want to dream big !! The creativity is just busting forth out of me !!! I dream and dream and vision cast and see things all the time. I dream about it, I meditate on it, I eat and sleep it. I just cannot help myself, it is flowing like a river. I told God that it needed to be "unto" something as I was tired of just dreaming and I want to do and go....
On one hand my church is busting forth too and on the other hand it is causing some to leave and be mad and offended. I really wonder some times about it all, and then remember God and know that He can accomplish what He wants and if He wants my help, He will ask ! I am along for the ride of my life!
Every day there is something to be excited about and thankful for ! Just think of all the good things that God wants to do ! I am reading a book right now called "The Seven Mountain Prophesy " and it is blowing my religious ways out of the water ! Kingdom !!!!! That is what God is saying for sure ..... Taking the mountains !!!! Preaching the gospel of the Kingdom instead of just the gospel of salvation ! The gospel of the Kingdom also includes the gospel of salvation !!!!!
The Kingdom is at hand folks !!!
I have so much to say, but I need to get ready for a time of soaking at Deborah and Peter's tonight. I want to see her new jewel that God gave her ! One day I may get one !!! Living for an extravagant God that wants us to be overflowing in His blessings and gifts !! Most of all being worshippers and lovers of Him ! That is my cry !!!!! God is good, He is so so good !!! Blessings to all reading this, with every spirtual blessing in Christ Jesus!!
(PS. No, I did not paint this picture of joy)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Today, after church meeting, a few of us met with some of the First Nations and Metis to honour them and to interceed for some things that are happening in the nation with them at this time. We prayed and honoured them and spoke into their lives. I was heavy in my spirit about the part that we have played in dishonouring them over the years. One of the ladies that was there is the cousin of the Lt Governor of BC. She is a real neat lady that I have gotten to know over the years.
God is restoring her "voice" and I believe that she has something to say. Don't know what it is yet, but I spoke the Ruth/Naomi thing over her. It was good, and I come away with feeling that it is only the beginning. We're not finished yet! God is good !
God is restoring her "voice" and I believe that she has something to say. Don't know what it is yet, but I spoke the Ruth/Naomi thing over her. It was good, and I come away with feeling that it is only the beginning. We're not finished yet! God is good !
Saturday, February 21, 2009
A Hmmm moment

On Wednesday at early morning prayer I ended up getting about the memorial stones and prayed it out that we would not forget what God has done . Didn't think too much about it until I got an e-mail from David D and it talks about the memorial stones from the Winnipeg gathering. I guess I just realize that God is speaking about them and that I need to listen to my part. (maybe just praying out that part WAS my part)
Like I said, A hmmmmm moment
Friday, February 20, 2009
The Adventure

These last 2 weeks we have been meeting, praying and fasting at 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. on Tues, Wed and Thurs. The leadership had felt that it was time to do this. At first, just the leaders were going to and then they felt that the whole church was to do this. (or as many as were able and desired to)
The meetings have been awesome, but it was Thursday morning that was over the top !
I came in and there was a strange man there. He looked like he was dressed as a clown and was very strange. My discerner went into overtime and I would have had a hard time pressing in if the Lord had not, on the way to the church, reminded me of what happened on Tues night prayer. ( Tues night was ridiclous ! It started for me as I was driving out and the neighbour to my left stopped me and said that there was an accident blocking the road and that I should turn around and go home. That it would take hours to clean up. I said, no, I will try to make it as I had a meeting to go to. As I drove to where the accident was I realized that in order to drive through I would have to drive thru lots of glass. I decided that I needed to do that. (the accident was my neighbour to the right) On the way to the church there was other ambulances and stuff on the way. I got to the church and they are doing renovations. Hammering and sawing etc (lots of noise) The youth were talking in the meeting room loudly with someone and there was all sorts of distractions....I could not for the life of me decide on a cd to play and I was feeling so agitated.....then began to laugh! The enemy was trying to distract us from praying and worshipping the Lord!
Then I remembered that on Tues morning as I was driving to the church for prayer, that the wind began to blow hard, and as I was crossing the Mission bridge, the Lord dropped a word into my spirit. He said " Get ready for another course correction. But, do not look to the clouds...look to where the wind is blowing" I shared with Mike B the word and he got me to share with everyone later. I realized that when all the distractions were happening, that I was looking at the clouds and not to where the wind was blowing. When I realized that, I started to laugh) So, God spoke to me that there were going to be distractions at that prayer meeting. When I clued in, I just pushed into worship (like we did on Tues night) and I forgot all about the distractions!!! Good thing, as the Lord had some things that He wanted from us !!!!
(btw..the man left during the worship) Bert was worshipping and then there came a time that he said that if anyone got anything to sing it. A few did and then someone began to sing about " We're going on an adventure, it's gonna be a wild ride! ." and we sang that for quite a long time. Then I remembered and shared what Bill Johnson had said in one of his books about getting to the edge of the map and would we stay there at the edge , or keep going by faith... I said that we were in a vehicle with God and we were excited like little kids, and we didn't really know where we were going but our Daddy was taking us somewhere and it would be good. Then Brian said, ya when we are on this adventure we ask our Daddy " Are we there yet??" We all started to laugh and the joy overtook us and there was lots of celebration and laughter and joy...all in a one hour meeting!!!
So, we're goin on an adventure, we're goin on an adventure, it's gonna be a wild ride, it's gonna be a wild ride. We don't really know where we are going, but it's gonna be good with Dad ! We may ask Him, are we there yet, we may differ along the way, but our Daddy has the best plans, so we all join as one and say....YES Dad, wherever you want to take us, wherever we may go. It's all because You love us , so with You we will go !!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The Feast

I was reading the bible about 2 weeks ago and a scripture jumped out at me. It was Luke 14:13. It said: WHEN you give a feast (banquet) invite the poor, the crippled, the lame,the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the reserrection of the righteous.It started to work on me and I thought that the Lord was trying to say something to me about this and have been meditating on this since then.
Today I went to Rena's to worship the Lord and wait on Him for an answer to some things that we believe that the Lord is showing us. This is what I saw when we were worshipping:
I saw the church's parking lot and in it was a feast happening. In the center of the parking lot was a long table with white tablecloth and many chairs there with the table set and decorated. We were serving those that came to eat. They were the lost and the broken, the hurting and the sick. We were serving them and it was not hot dogs...There was a huge banner on the side of the church that said "The Feast" and there was a worship band there playing. There was 4 tents set up at the side. One said "Free Hugs" one said "Free words of encouragement" one said " Free spiritual reading " and then last one " Free Healings" .
When I shared it with Rena she got the scripture in Isa 58 about the true fasting. We also got Matt 25:34, Matt 22, Luke 14:8 and Matt 10:42.
I had also, after getting about the Feast, gotten some more about the Embrace and also some things about what Rena and I had gotten together about. What we feel the Lord leading us into I got that it would eventually bring in the money for more Feasts. I had felt the Lord saying that there would be more in other places. Like streams in the desert.
The cool thing is that the talents would be used and multiplied. Those that like to serve, would serve. Those who like to cook would cook. Those that were prophetic would prophesy. Those that love to pray for healing would pray for healing, etc....
It would be held in June (maybe) and then the Embrace on Oct 23-24 (got the date during worship too)
I felt that this first Feast would have to be embraced by the church and them bear the cost, and then the Lord would give us the way to self-sustain it.
This feels very big in the spirit and impossible. Bill Johnson said that the presence of the Lord brings you into the realm of the impossible. It felt like that today! Bring on the impossible Lord!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Last night was going to be just another prayer meeting with the Lord's presence. ( as if it would be a "just") Then I got a call from the youth leader and everything changed. He felt that the Lord was calling him to gather the youth for prayer and he felt that the two groups needed to come together last night at some time.
When I got to the church Kevin was there and said that we should just start together and so when my peeps got there we joined with the youth. We worshipped to Rick Pino.
Then at some point the youth felt that they had to honor us that were older by washing our feet. They got the stuff and started to wash our feet. It was awesome and after they were done I felt that they had washed off the shame from us for the mistakes that we had made raising our children. Vicki felt that we were to pray for the youth and anoint them. We all prayed for them releasing them in the spirit and honouring and encouraging them, giving them prophetic words. It was an amazing time!
We called out for them to catch on fire and that we were one with them and we would stand behind them and push them forward into their destinys. After we were done we felt to pray for the leadership as one generation and to bless them. The last thing we prayed about was Todd. We all blessed him and asked that the Lord bless him.
I don't know what this all did last night in the spirit, but it was good !! AND , it was God. He worked it all out. The worship leader had felt all night that he was to come to prayer, but had never come before. He came and it was sooo God !! All the pieces came together last night. One generation.....those that seek His face.....
Monday, February 2, 2009
A twitch in time

Well..... God has amazing days for us and yesterday was one for me ! It started very bland and turned amazing ! I got up wondering what I always do on Sunday morning...what CD was I going to play for preservice prayer.....hmmmm. I have given up trying to get a "theme" or whatever, for the prayer, I just get a CD and sometimes I don't even get that much! I dug through my CDs and found Misty Edwards' first CD (Eternity) and brought it as I had a niggling thought that I should play that one. (hadn't been in my cd player for a long long time!)
The prayer time started with just a few and then grew to all the chairs being full. At one point I found myself quoting Eze 37 for , oh, the millionth time ! Prophesying to the breath LIFE over GHC!! Then I got a weird pic. I saw Frankenstein and him being brought to life. I started to laugh as it was so weird and then I saw what the Lord wanted me to see. HE had brought together the parts of the body to form one body and then speaking life over it. He had put it together the right way, that there wasn't 6 legs and 3 eyes and 2 heads. I saw that God was speaking "TRANSFORMATION" over our body and that there was such substance and life in it, possiblities, destiny, change etc... That He was/had formed the new structure (wineskin?) and that He was preparing to pour in the new. The presence of the Lord was great .
When we were done I moved upstairs and while Rena , Marg and I were talking at the front door, laughter dropped on me and I was hit with it for 20 mins or so. I was very undignified and was on the floor at some point. Rena and Marg also started to laugh and I was just baked !! ( a good baked) At one point I tried to move toward my seat at the front but felt restrained and went back to the front door to "greet" the people with laughter? I even found myself yelling out the door to people walking past " Hey you ! Get in here !!" (Ya, like I would do that normally)When they started
worshipping I moved up to the front and then after a couple of songs the Lord dropped an explanation what He was doing in the spirit into my mind. The word I gave was that it was a day of celebration. That Abram was content to be just a father to a child, but the Lord said, no, impossible, I want to change your name so that you can become a father of many. Then Jacob, he had what he wanted, he got his birthright, even though he was a deceiver. He was probably happy with that, but the Lord said, no, impossible, I want to change your name so that you can become a great nation !! That there were some there that may not want or like the name change for the church, but that the Lord said, no it is impossible for you to stay GHC. He had prepared a new vessel for us ( Transformation Central) that He was going to pour into what this part of the body was destined for. It was time to celebrate the new name. ( what I did not know was that the name change was official that day)
As I was finishing the word I noticed at the back Charlie and Shirley Robinson coming into the church. The Lord reminded me that 6 mons to a year ago that I had been talking about Charlie to his intercessor Sky and had said to her that the Lord had shown me that he was like one of those oil pumps in the fields in Alberta pumping up the oil.That he would pump up the oil from the deep wells. She said to me, do you know what the name of the conferences that he was just going to start in Canada? I said no and she said they were called " Canadian oil" The Lord then showed me (and I told Sky) that when He sent Charlie back to the church to speak that He would pour out the oil on the church. So, there he was coming in the church (he had been there a few months prior but did not speak) That he would be a sign for the church. I didn't know whether he was coming to speak or not. After the worship he got up and was sharing what is happening with him and what he was seeing. I turned to Rena and said " Receive the impartation that he is bringing if nothing else " Then at some point Charlie said the same thing....just receive the impartation that are coming with my words.
I forgot, during worship, Shar Greter got up and sang a song about LIFE, LIFE,LIFE ,LIFE. Then Mike Bullett got up and spoke out Eze 37 about the dry bones and started to sing something. I forget what it was because as he was singing I was singing and hearing in my spirit in the same tune as they were singing....The foot bones connected to the ankle bone, the ankle bones connected to the shin bone etc. I probably should have gotten up and sang it but the chicken won ! ( I talked to Shar later and she said that I should have gotten up, but that the next time, maybe the chicken will not win LOL) It was like Frankenstein coming together (ok, I know that story is not a good one, but God was showing me a point He wanted to get across)
Right after I spoke the word, I got hit with an awful migraine that lasted all night.
I felt sick, but I got up and danced on the migraine and then sickness. Wasn't going to let the enemy have victory !!!! He couldn't take my joy away !
Charlie prayed for me afterwards and he laid his hands on both ears and said that the Lord was showing that I was going to hear in a greater way, that there would be a increase. He also spoke about an increase in intercession. And also something about
going to the street and seeing me on the street corners speaking or something. ( don't know about this one LOL)
So, this was my amazing day. God is good ! It started so ordinary !! The presence of God transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary !! :)
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Went to soaking last night at the house of Peter and Deborah. They have recently moved to the Valley from Toronto , I believe, with the Lord directing them. Their ministry is with soaking and signs follow them. In their meetings jewels, gold dust and other things appear. Judi got another jewel last night (that makes 2) and she was very touched by it all.
They washed our feet last night and prayed over us. The music was louder than Peter's voice as he is soft spoken. (He reminds me of Charlie Robinson) So, I don't really know what he prayed over me, so I said to God that I receive that which is from him and not anything else. They anointed our feet with the Heavenly Oil (as they call it) They had felt after praying this week that the Lord was going to wash off any spiritual abuse or offenses from any leaders or those with authority over us.
We repented for any abuse that we had done and then forgave any that had abused their authority over us.
The presence of the Lord was really strong and the people that were there were hungry for God. It was a mix of a few churches. Peter and Deborah go to The River (Pam and Alf Dyck's church - old Valley Christian)It was nice to be in unity with likeminded people! Hunger speaks and unifies!
They have a soaking meeting every Friday and I think that I will go when I can, as I need it !! I cannot go to Helen's soaking as it is during the day. Peter and Deborah are teaching at Helen's next saoking time, so I may try to skip out of work for a couple of hours and go and hear them.
It was a good night. I saw some people that I had not seen in a while, and met some new people. It was an awesome time !! Bless them Lord !
They washed our feet last night and prayed over us. The music was louder than Peter's voice as he is soft spoken. (He reminds me of Charlie Robinson) So, I don't really know what he prayed over me, so I said to God that I receive that which is from him and not anything else. They anointed our feet with the Heavenly Oil (as they call it) They had felt after praying this week that the Lord was going to wash off any spiritual abuse or offenses from any leaders or those with authority over us.
We repented for any abuse that we had done and then forgave any that had abused their authority over us.
The presence of the Lord was really strong and the people that were there were hungry for God. It was a mix of a few churches. Peter and Deborah go to The River (Pam and Alf Dyck's church - old Valley Christian)It was nice to be in unity with likeminded people! Hunger speaks and unifies!
They have a soaking meeting every Friday and I think that I will go when I can, as I need it !! I cannot go to Helen's soaking as it is during the day. Peter and Deborah are teaching at Helen's next saoking time, so I may try to skip out of work for a couple of hours and go and hear them.
It was a good night. I saw some people that I had not seen in a while, and met some new people. It was an awesome time !! Bless them Lord !
Monday, January 26, 2009
I was thinking about creativity and God and how this absolute compulsion in me to create...something. I know that He put it in there and therefore there must be an outlet there for it from Him. I can make things for the sake of making things, but I want a purpose and reality in this from God. I see things all the time and see ways to create and I guess I really need to break through totally in this with God's help. He did wake me up the other morning and told me that He has set an open door before me .....walk through it. Funny, I don't see too many choices before me, no sense of ...this is the door. There is some things, but I tend to try and analyse things to death. I have just been kinda floating along waiting on God and being at peace, and then WHAM...He speaks this to me. Could it be I am not looking in the right place??
I have always wanted to design artistic clothing. It has been in me for years. What do I know about doing that...practically nothing..I can sew.... Then, I want to start painting again. That seems to have dried up...why? Not to mention writing worship music.....I did have a year of it. Creating new dishes of food....drawing..
dancing...I see dances when worship music comes on. Writing a book....writing and directing a musical production. Why are all these desires in me?? That seems to be the $24,000 question!!! Helping in the release of those with artistic ablilities is also a strong desire. What do I know about and how to do?? Again, practically nothing. Seeing kids produce a painting from something read from the word while I was teaching painting in Uganda was awesome ! The word coming alive !!
I am waiting for something and as yet I know not what it is....
I have always wanted to design artistic clothing. It has been in me for years. What do I know about doing that...practically nothing..I can sew.... Then, I want to start painting again. That seems to have dried up...why? Not to mention writing worship music.....I did have a year of it. Creating new dishes of food....drawing..
dancing...I see dances when worship music comes on. Writing a book....writing and directing a musical production. Why are all these desires in me?? That seems to be the $24,000 question!!! Helping in the release of those with artistic ablilities is also a strong desire. What do I know about and how to do?? Again, practically nothing. Seeing kids produce a painting from something read from the word while I was teaching painting in Uganda was awesome ! The word coming alive !!
I am waiting for something and as yet I know not what it is....
Sunday, January 25, 2009
A thought
I was watching " A Knight's Tale" and in it was a line that spoke to me somehow. In it Heath Ledger's character said " Love has given me wings and I must fly". It hit my spirit and it stays there. I got up right away and wrote it down.
Is there some sort of truth in there that I still need to see?? Or, is it just a fanciful thought/line?? I must meditate on this and see if the Lord speaks to me off of this.... I wonder if He will speak to me concerning this?? I know in the movie's sense that it was a human love that he spoke of, but I see it as a Father's/Lord's/God's love that gives the wings, making us/compelling us/enabling fly...we MUST fly !!
Just a fanciful thought at this point. Let me know if you have any thought to add to this!?
Like I said....a thought.
Is there some sort of truth in there that I still need to see?? Or, is it just a fanciful thought/line?? I must meditate on this and see if the Lord speaks to me off of this.... I wonder if He will speak to me concerning this?? I know in the movie's sense that it was a human love that he spoke of, but I see it as a Father's/Lord's/God's love that gives the wings, making us/compelling us/enabling fly...we MUST fly !!
Just a fanciful thought at this point. Let me know if you have any thought to add to this!?
Like I said....a thought.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A day of cleaning and organizing and I am sore
Well, I picked today to get Karinne's stuff organized and stuff out to the shed. Karinne moved home this month and her stuff has been here and there around the house. I was waiting for her to do it and she didn't, so I got the stuff organized and now I can move in my house again. It is ok having her home, although she is not home much....
I think that I hurt over much of my body right now as I did a lot of packing and moving and throwing things around today. Of this I am not used to!! Also, my birthday is less than a month and I am getting a 20 year old I am, but really I don't feel too old until I abuse my body like I did today !! Must be time to go to bed and recoup !!
Tomorrow I am helping Judi at Children's church. We are making butterflies and watching the DVD of the play that we did at Christmas. The DVD is finally ready and I am happy that we are watching it tomorrow !!
Well, off to bed ! Another day done !!
I think that I hurt over much of my body right now as I did a lot of packing and moving and throwing things around today. Of this I am not used to!! Also, my birthday is less than a month and I am getting a 20 year old I am, but really I don't feel too old until I abuse my body like I did today !! Must be time to go to bed and recoup !!
Tomorrow I am helping Judi at Children's church. We are making butterflies and watching the DVD of the play that we did at Christmas. The DVD is finally ready and I am happy that we are watching it tomorrow !!
Well, off to bed ! Another day done !!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Truly He is good !
Last night when we were at prayer the Lord prompted us to just worship Him for a long time. It was about His holiness. The presence of the Lord was very strong and we just kept worshipping Him even after the songs finished. We could feel the substance of heaven and so instead of the usual praying for something we just had vision for things and also pulled down some of the substance and released it over who we were praying about.It was pretty cool ! We went late and personally I did not want to leave the presence of God.
Seems like with the new name coming for the church , the school and the ministry, there really is transformation happening! I am really not sure about the name, mainly the central part of "Transformation Central" which the church will be called.
The ministry is Transform International Ministry S?(don't remember what the S part is about) (TIMS) and the school will be called "Transform U". (short for university)It will take some getting used to that is for sure. I know that it is from the Lord so I am behind the name change. Just got used to Global Harvest Center! LOL
We were told that it was not a time for comfort and I really can see that ! Since I came to the church there has been nothing other than change. Some things have been good and some bad ! All have taught us things that we need for the times ahead. I guess I should just take my hands off and enjoy the journey !
Seems like with the new name coming for the church , the school and the ministry, there really is transformation happening! I am really not sure about the name, mainly the central part of "Transformation Central" which the church will be called.
The ministry is Transform International Ministry S?(don't remember what the S part is about) (TIMS) and the school will be called "Transform U". (short for university)It will take some getting used to that is for sure. I know that it is from the Lord so I am behind the name change. Just got used to Global Harvest Center! LOL
We were told that it was not a time for comfort and I really can see that ! Since I came to the church there has been nothing other than change. Some things have been good and some bad ! All have taught us things that we need for the times ahead. I guess I should just take my hands off and enjoy the journey !
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A Quote
Faith is a heart condition where we stretch out and reach toward the Lord, while the winds of the Spirit holds us afloat. When we flap our wings, we are vigorously exercising our faith through works, based upon what we believe the Lord has told us.
When we soar, we are resting in our trust in the Lord and letting Him carry us amidst the surrounding terrain. The Lord teaches us through faith how to rise above difficulties and hinderances in our life. We learn how to rise high enough to gain His perspective on what is below.
Sandy Warner
When we soar, we are resting in our trust in the Lord and letting Him carry us amidst the surrounding terrain. The Lord teaches us through faith how to rise above difficulties and hinderances in our life. We learn how to rise high enough to gain His perspective on what is below.
Sandy Warner
Monday, January 19, 2009
About Fly
This video is Jonathan David Helser's song "FLY" which has greatly impacted me when I had over a 3 day period a visitation from God (Dec 31, 2008- Jan 2 , 2009) I found this song on Jan 1st on ITunes and it was almost exactly what the Lord had been speaking to me about. I wrote a blog on part of it. I love Jonathan's songs and his heart. He has a song called " Intimacy" that is speaking to me right now and it is awesome ! All this fits with where the Lord is leading me and speaking to me in this season. I hope that you enjoy this video and the song.
Yesterday at church I felt compelled to get up and give a word. I felt that at that time, that the Lord was desiring us to get new eyes -new vision. The scripture I had gotten was when Blind Bartameus asked to be healed, first the Lord healed his spiritual vision and then his natural vision. I felt that the Lord was wanting us to appropriate the "eyes of heaven" The eyes of God , the eyes of mercy, the eyes of love, the eyes of hope, the eyes of wisdom etc. That we needed to "see" that Jesus has done it all. That it is all there for walking in and taking, that there was substance to all this as it is all from the kingdom realm. We need to "see" that it is finished and it is done and that there is no new healings etc, just that we need to walk in this kingdom realm. I knew that there was a physical sense to this too as the Lord was speaking about the whole eye. The light in the eyes even. (I know there is a scripture about that but I didn't look it up..think that it is in Proverbs)
I don't think that I am explaining this totally right, but this morning when I woke up I saw a door standing in front of me wide open. I heard a voice say to me " I have set an open door before you ....walk thru it. (reminded me of my other post about get up, take your mat and walk!)
Thru the door I could see the other side .....all this required was for me to walk out of the I can't realm, the what if realm, the realm of unbelief, the realm of fear and intimidation and into what IS and IS TO COME realm. The other side WAS more real than this side....the kingdom IS at hand !
I don't think that I am explaining this totally right, but this morning when I woke up I saw a door standing in front of me wide open. I heard a voice say to me " I have set an open door before you ....walk thru it. (reminded me of my other post about get up, take your mat and walk!)
Thru the door I could see the other side .....all this required was for me to walk out of the I can't realm, the what if realm, the realm of unbelief, the realm of fear and intimidation and into what IS and IS TO COME realm. The other side WAS more real than this side....the kingdom IS at hand !
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Barry's 3 week late surprise Birthday party
Poor Barry,
He was born on December 30, 1960 and that means that with it being just after Christmas, he usually gets the short end of the stick present and party - wise.
This last birthday was not much different... yes, I forgot to buy him a gift before I ran out of money around Christmas! This year I should buy him something 6 months early ! He always says that he is ok, but I know it must bug him that this happens year after year !!
So, I decided that as it was payday on Friday, that I would get the girls together on Saturday (Colin is in Florida) and make a big dinner and buy him a gift. I also made a cake and iced it and so we decided to surprise him. I asked him if he was coming home for dinner as Alisha and Karinne were there and he said " maybe". So, this surprise party was more of a surprise for me as to whether he was coming home from work or not. He is on a deadline with cabinets for one of his customers and so he needs to work as late as possible.
Well, the end of this story is that he did come home, he was surprised and he loved the ham and scalloped potatoes AND he liked his gift. Good time was had by all ! I am glad that it worked out, but it did, so I am also happy.
It is also good to have both girls here . Todd is in West Virginia with his Dad who is sick and Colin is in Florida until tomorrow. He was at a convention for work.
So, this ends the saga of the surprise party for Barry. PTL it worked out !! :)
He was born on December 30, 1960 and that means that with it being just after Christmas, he usually gets the short end of the stick present and party - wise.
This last birthday was not much different... yes, I forgot to buy him a gift before I ran out of money around Christmas! This year I should buy him something 6 months early ! He always says that he is ok, but I know it must bug him that this happens year after year !!
So, I decided that as it was payday on Friday, that I would get the girls together on Saturday (Colin is in Florida) and make a big dinner and buy him a gift. I also made a cake and iced it and so we decided to surprise him. I asked him if he was coming home for dinner as Alisha and Karinne were there and he said " maybe". So, this surprise party was more of a surprise for me as to whether he was coming home from work or not. He is on a deadline with cabinets for one of his customers and so he needs to work as late as possible.
Well, the end of this story is that he did come home, he was surprised and he loved the ham and scalloped potatoes AND he liked his gift. Good time was had by all ! I am glad that it worked out, but it did, so I am also happy.
It is also good to have both girls here . Todd is in West Virginia with his Dad who is sick and Colin is in Florida until tomorrow. He was at a convention for work.
So, this ends the saga of the surprise party for Barry. PTL it worked out !! :)
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