Saturday, January 31, 2009


Went to soaking last night at the house of Peter and Deborah. They have recently moved to the Valley from Toronto , I believe, with the Lord directing them. Their ministry is with soaking and signs follow them. In their meetings jewels, gold dust and other things appear. Judi got another jewel last night (that makes 2) and she was very touched by it all.
They washed our feet last night and prayed over us. The music was louder than Peter's voice as he is soft spoken. (He reminds me of Charlie Robinson) So, I don't really know what he prayed over me, so I said to God that I receive that which is from him and not anything else. They anointed our feet with the Heavenly Oil (as they call it) They had felt after praying this week that the Lord was going to wash off any spiritual abuse or offenses from any leaders or those with authority over us.
We repented for any abuse that we had done and then forgave any that had abused their authority over us.
The presence of the Lord was really strong and the people that were there were hungry for God. It was a mix of a few churches. Peter and Deborah go to The River (Pam and Alf Dyck's church - old Valley Christian)It was nice to be in unity with likeminded people! Hunger speaks and unifies!
They have a soaking meeting every Friday and I think that I will go when I can, as I need it !! I cannot go to Helen's soaking as it is during the day. Peter and Deborah are teaching at Helen's next saoking time, so I may try to skip out of work for a couple of hours and go and hear them.
It was a good night. I saw some people that I had not seen in a while, and met some new people. It was an awesome time !! Bless them Lord !


b said...

so cool! Linda told me about Judi's first jewel. Incredible.

Eljay said...

Yes it is true I did tell Beth about Judi's first one and then about the second one today, God is amazing!

Well your blog is pretty cook, I like it!

Things for me are going out of control right now but the Lord will bring things back to his order, so I have that to hang on too! I'm at the point that I am wishing we were in the time and space where Jesus has come and God has come down to the new Jerusalem and we are there with them!

So does that give you any indication were I am at...LOL