I was reading the bible about 2 weeks ago and a scripture jumped out at me. It was Luke 14:13. It said: WHEN you give a feast (banquet) invite the poor, the crippled, the lame,the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the reserrection of the righteous.It started to work on me and I thought that the Lord was trying to say something to me about this and have been meditating on this since then.
Today I went to Rena's to worship the Lord and wait on Him for an answer to some things that we believe that the Lord is showing us. This is what I saw when we were worshipping:
I saw the church's parking lot and in it was a feast happening. In the center of the parking lot was a long table with white tablecloth and many chairs there with the table set and decorated. We were serving those that came to eat. They were the lost and the broken, the hurting and the sick. We were serving them and it was not hot dogs...There was a huge banner on the side of the church that said "The Feast" and there was a worship band there playing. There was 4 tents set up at the side. One said "Free Hugs" one said "Free words of encouragement" one said " Free spiritual reading " and then last one " Free Healings" .
When I shared it with Rena she got the scripture in Isa 58 about the true fasting. We also got Matt 25:34, Matt 22, Luke 14:8 and Matt 10:42.
I had also, after getting about the Feast, gotten some more about the Embrace and also some things about what Rena and I had gotten together about. What we feel the Lord leading us into I got that it would eventually bring in the money for more Feasts. I had felt the Lord saying that there would be more in other places. Like streams in the desert.
The cool thing is that the talents would be used and multiplied. Those that like to serve, would serve. Those who like to cook would cook. Those that were prophetic would prophesy. Those that love to pray for healing would pray for healing, etc....
It would be held in June (maybe) and then the Embrace on Oct 23-24 (got the date during worship too)
I felt that this first Feast would have to be embraced by the church and them bear the cost, and then the Lord would give us the way to self-sustain it.
This feels very big in the spirit and impossible. Bill Johnson said that the presence of the Lord brings you into the realm of the impossible. It felt like that today! Bring on the impossible Lord!
1 comment:
sounds like an amazing God thing! I love the outside feast idea. xo
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