Well..... God has amazing days for us and yesterday was one for me ! It started very bland and turned amazing ! I got up wondering what I always do on Sunday morning...what CD was I going to play for preservice prayer.....hmmmm. I have given up trying to get a "theme" or whatever, for the prayer, I just get a CD and sometimes I don't even get that much! I dug through my CDs and found Misty Edwards' first CD (Eternity) and brought it as I had a niggling thought that I should play that one. (hadn't been in my cd player for a long long time!)
The prayer time started with just a few and then grew to all the chairs being full. At one point I found myself quoting Eze 37 for , oh, the millionth time ! Prophesying to the breath LIFE over GHC!! Then I got a weird pic. I saw Frankenstein and him being brought to life. I started to laugh as it was so weird and then I saw what the Lord wanted me to see. HE had brought together the parts of the body to form one body and then speaking life over it. He had put it together the right way, that there wasn't 6 legs and 3 eyes and 2 heads. I saw that God was speaking "TRANSFORMATION" over our body and that there was such substance and life in it, possiblities, destiny, change etc... That He was/had formed the new structure (wineskin?) and that He was preparing to pour in the new. The presence of the Lord was great .
When we were done I moved upstairs and while Rena , Marg and I were talking at the front door, laughter dropped on me and I was hit with it for 20 mins or so. I was very undignified and was on the floor at some point. Rena and Marg also started to laugh and I was just baked !! ( a good baked) At one point I tried to move toward my seat at the front but felt restrained and went back to the front door to "greet" the people with laughter? I even found myself yelling out the door to people walking past " Hey you ! Get in here !!" (Ya, like I would do that normally)When they started
worshipping I moved up to the front and then after a couple of songs the Lord dropped an explanation what He was doing in the spirit into my mind. The word I gave was that it was a day of celebration. That Abram was content to be just a father to a child, but the Lord said, no, impossible, I want to change your name so that you can become a father of many. Then Jacob, he had what he wanted, he got his birthright, even though he was a deceiver. He was probably happy with that, but the Lord said, no, impossible, I want to change your name so that you can become a great nation !! That there were some there that may not want or like the name change for the church, but that the Lord said, no it is impossible for you to stay GHC. He had prepared a new vessel for us ( Transformation Central) that He was going to pour into what this part of the body was destined for. It was time to celebrate the new name. ( what I did not know was that the name change was official that day)
As I was finishing the word I noticed at the back Charlie and Shirley Robinson coming into the church. The Lord reminded me that 6 mons to a year ago that I had been talking about Charlie to his intercessor Sky and had said to her that the Lord had shown me that he was like one of those oil pumps in the fields in Alberta pumping up the oil.That he would pump up the oil from the deep wells. She said to me, do you know what the name of the conferences that he was just going to start in Canada? I said no and she said they were called " Canadian oil" The Lord then showed me (and I told Sky) that when He sent Charlie back to the church to speak that He would pour out the oil on the church. So, there he was coming in the church (he had been there a few months prior but did not speak) That he would be a sign for the church. I didn't know whether he was coming to speak or not. After the worship he got up and was sharing what is happening with him and what he was seeing. I turned to Rena and said " Receive the impartation that he is bringing if nothing else " Then at some point Charlie said the same thing....just receive the impartation that are coming with my words.
I forgot, during worship, Shar Greter got up and sang a song about LIFE, LIFE,LIFE ,LIFE. Then Mike Bullett got up and spoke out Eze 37 about the dry bones and started to sing something. I forget what it was because as he was singing I was singing and hearing in my spirit in the same tune as they were singing....The foot bones connected to the ankle bone, the ankle bones connected to the shin bone etc. I probably should have gotten up and sang it but the chicken won ! ( I talked to Shar later and she said that I should have gotten up, but that the next time, maybe the chicken will not win LOL) It was like Frankenstein coming together (ok, I know that story is not a good one, but God was showing me a point He wanted to get across)
Right after I spoke the word, I got hit with an awful migraine that lasted all night.
I felt sick, but I got up and danced on the migraine and then sickness. Wasn't going to let the enemy have victory !!!! He couldn't take my joy away !
Charlie prayed for me afterwards and he laid his hands on both ears and said that the Lord was showing that I was going to hear in a greater way, that there would be a increase. He also spoke about an increase in intercession. And also something about
going to the street and seeing me on the street corners speaking or something. ( don't know about this one LOL)
So, this was my amazing day. God is good ! It started so ordinary !! The presence of God transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary !! :)
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