Well, the title really says it as when you know and see what God wants you to do, there is a wavering between times of fear and times of great joy. I want to live in the joy, but I am walking it out right now. Good thing that there is grace!!
One of the leaders wants to talk to me about the "Feast" and I believe that it could be a "go". I get glimpses in the spirit about things that are in store for me and I want to dream big !! The creativity is just busting forth out of me !!! I dream and dream and vision cast and see things all the time. I dream about it, I meditate on it, I eat and sleep it. I just cannot help myself, it is flowing like a river. I told God that it needed to be "unto" something as I was tired of just dreaming and I want to do and go....
On one hand my church is busting forth too and on the other hand it is causing some to leave and be mad and offended. I really wonder some times about it all, and then remember God and know that He can accomplish what He wants and if He wants my help, He will ask ! I am along for the ride of my life!
Every day there is something to be excited about and thankful for ! Just think of all the good things that God wants to do ! I am reading a book right now called "The Seven Mountain Prophesy " and it is blowing my religious ways out of the water ! Kingdom !!!!! That is what God is saying for sure ..... Taking the mountains !!!! Preaching the gospel of the Kingdom instead of just the gospel of salvation ! The gospel of the Kingdom also includes the gospel of salvation !!!!!
The Kingdom is at hand folks !!!
I have so much to say, but I need to get ready for a time of soaking at Deborah and Peter's tonight. I want to see her new jewel that God gave her ! One day I may get one !!! Living for an extravagant God that wants us to be overflowing in His blessings and gifts !! Most of all being worshippers and lovers of Him ! That is my cry !!!!! God is good, He is so so good !!! Blessings to all reading this, with every spirtual blessing in Christ Jesus!!
(PS. No, I did not paint this picture of joy)
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