Sunday, April 19, 2009

Made To Invade

Did you know that we are made to invade? That is what God was speaking to me this morning. We are not mean to die of hunger or thirst when there is a banqueting table set for kings and queens right before us.I saw a vision a week ago of a man with a backpack on his back crawling in a vast desert. The backpack was empty (all that he had brought with him was gone) His eyes were white with blindness. Right in front of him was a banqueting table, but he could not see it....

We are not meant to be held captive in our comfort zone , but we are meant to be free. (Jesus came to set us free...totally) Where there is the impossible, we are meant to fly !!! (with the wind of the Spirit holding us up)

We are not meant to be paralyzed in fear, but to move and operate in love ! To even go one step further and that love casts out all fear. In it's perfection it has the power to do that !!

We are not meant to walk thru this life crippled, but to run with the Lord where He directs us.

God hates sin, we know that , but He also hates sickness. He sent His Son to die for the sin, but He also sent His Son to be whipped for the sickness. (By His stripes we are healed) So, we are to hate what He hates and so we should hate sin AND sickness.
Sin is to the soul as sickness is to the body. We are meant to be whole and healed!

We are not meant to be silent. We have been given a voice to be the Voice of the Lord on this earth. We need to SHOUT, we need to PRAISE, we need to declare the Word when God asks us to. Silence is NOT golden !! (or an option)

We are not meant to hide out talents. They are meant for multiplication !!! Everything in God's Kingdom is about multiplication ! What we sow is what we reap.
Many times over.

We are not meant to stay in our little fortified churches, afraid of the big giants in the land. In the OT when a leper touched us we became unclean. In the NT when Jesus saw a leper, He touched them and they became clean. We are not meant to be afraid of the darkness but we are meant to take the light INTO the darkness and dispell it ! We are meant to invade the darkness and change it !!! The church is more afraid of being polluted with things of the darkness than it is of invading the darkness !! We are meant to GO!! (the giants should be our bread)

We are made to trust in the Lord. We are made to believe what He says. We are made to take the knowledge of the glory of the Lord throughout all the earth. Show His goodness to all mankind. Give that glass of water to the dying man...

We are not meant to be "good little Christians " that go to church on Sunday and the rest of the week we exist. We are made to be radical !(mountain movers) We are made to risk !!! We are made to invade !! Where is God asking you to invade?

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