Saturday, January 31, 2009


Went to soaking last night at the house of Peter and Deborah. They have recently moved to the Valley from Toronto , I believe, with the Lord directing them. Their ministry is with soaking and signs follow them. In their meetings jewels, gold dust and other things appear. Judi got another jewel last night (that makes 2) and she was very touched by it all.
They washed our feet last night and prayed over us. The music was louder than Peter's voice as he is soft spoken. (He reminds me of Charlie Robinson) So, I don't really know what he prayed over me, so I said to God that I receive that which is from him and not anything else. They anointed our feet with the Heavenly Oil (as they call it) They had felt after praying this week that the Lord was going to wash off any spiritual abuse or offenses from any leaders or those with authority over us.
We repented for any abuse that we had done and then forgave any that had abused their authority over us.
The presence of the Lord was really strong and the people that were there were hungry for God. It was a mix of a few churches. Peter and Deborah go to The River (Pam and Alf Dyck's church - old Valley Christian)It was nice to be in unity with likeminded people! Hunger speaks and unifies!
They have a soaking meeting every Friday and I think that I will go when I can, as I need it !! I cannot go to Helen's soaking as it is during the day. Peter and Deborah are teaching at Helen's next saoking time, so I may try to skip out of work for a couple of hours and go and hear them.
It was a good night. I saw some people that I had not seen in a while, and met some new people. It was an awesome time !! Bless them Lord !

Monday, January 26, 2009


I was thinking about creativity and God and how this absolute compulsion in me to create...something. I know that He put it in there and therefore there must be an outlet there for it from Him. I can make things for the sake of making things, but I want a purpose and reality in this from God. I see things all the time and see ways to create and I guess I really need to break through totally in this with God's help. He did wake me up the other morning and told me that He has set an open door before me .....walk through it. Funny, I don't see too many choices before me, no sense of ...this is the door. There is some things, but I tend to try and analyse things to death. I have just been kinda floating along waiting on God and being at peace, and then WHAM...He speaks this to me. Could it be I am not looking in the right place??

I have always wanted to design artistic clothing. It has been in me for years. What do I know about doing that...practically nothing..I can sew.... Then, I want to start painting again. That seems to have dried up...why? Not to mention writing worship music.....I did have a year of it. Creating new dishes of food....drawing..
dancing...I see dances when worship music comes on. Writing a book....writing and directing a musical production. Why are all these desires in me?? That seems to be the $24,000 question!!! Helping in the release of those with artistic ablilities is also a strong desire. What do I know about and how to do?? Again, practically nothing. Seeing kids produce a painting from something read from the word while I was teaching painting in Uganda was awesome ! The word coming alive !!

I am waiting for something and as yet I know not what it is....

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A thought

I was watching " A Knight's Tale" and in it was a line that spoke to me somehow. In it Heath Ledger's character said " Love has given me wings and I must fly". It hit my spirit and it stays there. I got up right away and wrote it down.

Is there some sort of truth in there that I still need to see?? Or, is it just a fanciful thought/line?? I must meditate on this and see if the Lord speaks to me off of this.... I wonder if He will speak to me concerning this?? I know in the movie's sense that it was a human love that he spoke of, but I see it as a Father's/Lord's/God's love that gives the wings, making us/compelling us/enabling fly...we MUST fly !!

Just a fanciful thought at this point. Let me know if you have any thought to add to this!?

Like I said....a thought.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A day of cleaning and organizing and I am sore

Well, I picked today to get Karinne's stuff organized and stuff out to the shed. Karinne moved home this month and her stuff has been here and there around the house. I was waiting for her to do it and she didn't, so I got the stuff organized and now I can move in my house again. It is ok having her home, although she is not home much....

I think that I hurt over much of my body right now as I did a lot of packing and moving and throwing things around today. Of this I am not used to!! Also, my birthday is less than a month and I am getting a 20 year old I am, but really I don't feel too old until I abuse my body like I did today !! Must be time to go to bed and recoup !!

Tomorrow I am helping Judi at Children's church. We are making butterflies and watching the DVD of the play that we did at Christmas. The DVD is finally ready and I am happy that we are watching it tomorrow !!

Well, off to bed ! Another day done !!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Truly He is good !

Last night when we were at prayer the Lord prompted us to just worship Him for a long time. It was about His holiness. The presence of the Lord was very strong and we just kept worshipping Him even after the songs finished. We could feel the substance of heaven and so instead of the usual praying for something we just had vision for things and also pulled down some of the substance and released it over who we were praying about.It was pretty cool ! We went late and personally I did not want to leave the presence of God.

Seems like with the new name coming for the church , the school and the ministry, there really is transformation happening! I am really not sure about the name, mainly the central part of "Transformation Central" which the church will be called.
The ministry is Transform International Ministry S?(don't remember what the S part is about) (TIMS) and the school will be called "Transform U". (short for university)It will take some getting used to that is for sure. I know that it is from the Lord so I am behind the name change. Just got used to Global Harvest Center! LOL

We were told that it was not a time for comfort and I really can see that ! Since I came to the church there has been nothing other than change. Some things have been good and some bad ! All have taught us things that we need for the times ahead. I guess I should just take my hands off and enjoy the journey !

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Quote

Faith is a heart condition where we stretch out and reach toward the Lord, while the winds of the Spirit holds us afloat. When we flap our wings, we are vigorously exercising our faith through works, based upon what we believe the Lord has told us.
When we soar, we are resting in our trust in the Lord and letting Him carry us amidst the surrounding terrain. The Lord teaches us through faith how to rise above difficulties and hinderances in our life. We learn how to rise high enough to gain His perspective on what is below.

Sandy Warner

Monday, January 19, 2009

About Fly

This video is Jonathan David Helser's song "FLY" which has greatly impacted me when I had over a 3 day period a visitation from God (Dec 31, 2008- Jan 2 , 2009) I found this song on Jan 1st on ITunes and it was almost exactly what the Lord had been speaking to me about. I wrote a blog on part of it. I love Jonathan's songs and his heart. He has a song called " Intimacy" that is speaking to me right now and it is awesome ! All this fits with where the Lord is leading me and speaking to me in this season. I hope that you enjoy this video and the song.



Yesterday at church I felt compelled to get up and give a word. I felt that at that time, that the Lord was desiring us to get new eyes -new vision. The scripture I had gotten was when Blind Bartameus asked to be healed, first the Lord healed his spiritual vision and then his natural vision. I felt that the Lord was wanting us to appropriate the "eyes of heaven" The eyes of God , the eyes of mercy, the eyes of love, the eyes of hope, the eyes of wisdom etc. That we needed to "see" that Jesus has done it all. That it is all there for walking in and taking, that there was substance to all this as it is all from the kingdom realm. We need to "see" that it is finished and it is done and that there is no new healings etc, just that we need to walk in this kingdom realm. I knew that there was a physical sense to this too as the Lord was speaking about the whole eye. The light in the eyes even. (I know there is a scripture about that but I didn't look it up..think that it is in Proverbs)
I don't think that I am explaining this totally right, but this morning when I woke up I saw a door standing in front of me wide open. I heard a voice say to me " I have set an open door before you ....walk thru it. (reminded me of my other post about get up, take your mat and walk!)
Thru the door I could see the other side .....all this required was for me to walk out of the I can't realm, the what if realm, the realm of unbelief, the realm of fear and intimidation and into what IS and IS TO COME realm. The other side WAS more real than this side....the kingdom IS at hand !

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Barry's 3 week late surprise Birthday party

Poor Barry,

He was born on December 30, 1960 and that means that with it being just after Christmas, he usually gets the short end of the stick present and party - wise.
This last birthday was not much different... yes, I forgot to buy him a gift before I ran out of money around Christmas! This year I should buy him something 6 months early ! He always says that he is ok, but I know it must bug him that this happens year after year !!

So, I decided that as it was payday on Friday, that I would get the girls together on Saturday (Colin is in Florida) and make a big dinner and buy him a gift. I also made a cake and iced it and so we decided to surprise him. I asked him if he was coming home for dinner as Alisha and Karinne were there and he said " maybe". So, this surprise party was more of a surprise for me as to whether he was coming home from work or not. He is on a deadline with cabinets for one of his customers and so he needs to work as late as possible.

Well, the end of this story is that he did come home, he was surprised and he loved the ham and scalloped potatoes AND he liked his gift. Good time was had by all ! I am glad that it worked out, but it did, so I am also happy.

It is also good to have both girls here . Todd is in West Virginia with his Dad who is sick and Colin is in Florida until tomorrow. He was at a convention for work.

So, this ends the saga of the surprise party for Barry. PTL it worked out !! :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

The God can realm vs the God will realm

There was a man that was sitting near the Pool of Bethesda. He had been sitting there for many years watching people go in sick crippled and come out whole. He knew that God can heal. He saw it happen all the time. The waters would be stirred and then those in the pool were healed. This is the God can realm, just a little out of reach....
Then Jesus came along (bringing the Kingdom with Him) and he stopped after seeing the man sitting on his mat. He asked the man " Do you want to be healed?" (only kingdom knowledge would ask such a question, knowing that if the answer was yes, that God will heal him) The kingdom was at hand, within this man's reach. The man made excuses why he was not one would carry him there.....others got there before him...This is the IF ONLY realm. If husband had not left me, if only my parents had not abused me...if only.... ( excuses)
Jesus knew that there was substance in the kingdom that was there to be taken to be healed but it required one and to walk it out. The Lord said, get up....(out of the IF realm and the I can't realm) and pick up your mat ( the comfort zone, the place that has become the prison) and WALK. The man chose to get up, pick up his mat and began to walk. It was after this that we are to become living, walking, testimonies of Jesus and His goodness and power and love.... To live in the IS realm. The place where God will do what He said He will and we begin to live there. Imagine the difference, kingdom living instead of living in the seen realm and only doing what our eyes see. I want to do what I see the Lord doing in the unseen realm and walking it out in the seen realm. The kingdom is at hand...
God is good !

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Call it laziness....

Well, lots of time has gone by and I have not blogged. That is a problem as this is a spot for blogging !! I will try and be better this time around !!

2009 is a time for flying and so that means that we leave the cocoon behind and press on to spreading wings and flying, remembering that the wind will keep us up.

2008 was a time of trials and practicing the possiblities. Nothing is impossible for my God !! He has taught me many things this last year and I feel that I have come a ways !!! He is good !!

I look forward to fruitfulness in 2009 and the possibilities are endless !! I just hope that I remember to blog all the things that will happen in 2009. Let the year begin !!

Way too long !!

My oldest daughter married a man from West Virginia in October last year and that was a lot of work , but fun! I had the 2nd in the set of Hiddens in September 2008. It was awesome and the Lord is good ! The first one in Nov 2007 was called " Hidden: The Four Chambers of God's Heart " The next one in Sept 2008 was called " Beyond the Veil ". Basically, we know that the veil has been torn, but few venture and live beyond the veil. The next one coming sometime this year (2009) is called " The Embrace ". I don't know how it will all look like, but that is the good thing as God will show me. I know that it is about embracing the cross . The first one was about Intimacy with the Lord, the second about Intimacy with fruitfulness and the third is about embracing your destiny with the Lord 0r, a deeper Intimacy with the Lord. ( at this point that is what I am getting)

This last Christmas was a different one for us as the weather was so bad that the kids came out early and stayed here for Christmas Eve and then Christmas Day. The power went out for 5 hours on Christmas Eve and there was the trip that Barry took to pick up my son and girlfriend. He needed chains to get there and then 15 mins into the trip, the chains broke and came up and broke his outside mirrror on the truck. It was the first white Christmas in many years, so that was great ! I even went outside and made a snow angel. Hadn't done that since the girls were young!

2009 will be an interesting year, I can tell already ! Time to fly !!!!