Thursday, June 25, 2009

A devouring

I have been devouring books these last weeks. I read " The Messianic Church Arising" then " Release The Power of Jesus" by Bill Johnson. Also, I am reading " The Christian Curses" . (or something to that effect)I read "Visions Beyond the Veil" By HA Baker. I have been listening to Kris Valloten and Bill Johnson on Podcast and soaking..... I think that the Lord is laying the base for something that He wants me to study and maybe give me a revelation of something. Seems like this is what He does with me. I guess probably there is others that He does this for. I eagerly await this.

Last Friday night at soaking just about all of us got a jewel. It is not very big, but has a green hue to it. God is good !!!

I got a couple of pictures that I am praying into. They both have something to do with the church I go to right now. The first one was I saw a set of doors and I heard them close with a loud "clang" and then the church implode. I asked the Lord what it meant and He said that sometimes things look good on the outside, but on the inside things are not quite right. The second was : I saw a very large ship (with motors) Like the one that they talked about when the church was in the ABC center.
I heard the words "Time for a refit" I saw the ship being refit with huge sails. I saw the wind start blowing hard and we were to get in position to catch the wind. If we did not then the ship would capsize. (a lady at the church has had a dream since then of a ship capsizing) I felt that the way of positioning had something to do with a big push of prayer and waiting on the Lord.

I had a dream last night and I know that it went on for a while, but all I remember was that I (and someone else) was in a car and we were trying to get up a rather steep hill. The first time we tried, we did not get there, but the second time we got up. We made a huge "run" for it and then we got up. Don't know what it means, but hopefully it will be revealed...

I got some new music the last few days and one is Julie True. It is very good soaking music ! I like her voice and the songs have a prophetic feel to them. I am searching for some new stuff, but it is hard to find. I need another find like Jonathan David Helser !!

Well, I pray that the Lord reveals what it is that He has for me in the area of revelation. I know that it is for me and maybe others. Today He highlighted John 3:16
We know that scripture so well, but I want a revelation of that even more. I never want to become blaise about any scripture !

God, I am listening!....and watching !

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I guess you can say that I am learning. God is trying to teach me some stuff and I am learning, but at a slower pace than I would like !! Like today at work I realized that I was holding something against someone and it has been a while and it was only today after work driving home that I repented and started to pray for that person. I know that I am to do that until I change my mind about them. It is a lesson that is hard but necessary.... A little humbling along the way is good for the character.

I was also was praying for those that are closest to me (not family this time) and that they would go further and higher than me. I realized again as I drove home that I have been thinking too much about what God has for me and that I needed to honour others before myself. To see them go far is something that the Lord has put in my heart. I started to pray for Rena and for Judi and others.

It is my desire to fulfill the destiny and call that He has for me, but not at the expense of others. I just saw some selfishness in me and frankly, I did not like it very much ! So, I thought that if I prayed for others instead of myself, then it would come against that spirit.

It is for something that I was saved and I desire to know God more and hear from Him what it is that He destined me to be and to do. I will search for Him with my whole heart and not stop until I find Him. I know some of Him, but I care to know more !!!
I guess He is the one that is giving me this incredible hunger to know Him more !!
So I sigh and know that nothing will satisfy me until I see Him. It is more difficult that anything that I have ever done !!! The distractions are many and the opposition of the enemy and also my flesh make it a very tough thing to do !! God, give me the grace to find you !!!!! Only YOU can satisfy !!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The "Women of Faith Arise" conference

I forgot to write about the conference that I went to in Hazelton. It is a very beautiful area and the people were awesome !!! I flew to Prince George and then I drove to Hazelton with Linda and Lucy. We decorated the Gitamaax Hall with butterflies and material and lots of other stuff. It looked really nice for such a big hall with very high ceiling !! Lucy did a good job ! Beth and Linda and others helped (me too)

I helped Peter and Beth at the book table that had King's In books etc on it and some Watchmen stuff that Peter had brought. Beth suggested that I sell my bracelets there and it took some thinking before I could. I sold about 25 of them or so. There was many blessings from the reactions of people as they looked at them. One stood out for me and that was a lady that came up and asked me about what they meant and as she listened she picked up the one called "Righteousness". She asked me what righteouness meant. I told her that it meant that it meant being right with God. (thru Christ as our righteousness)I told her that she was righteous before God because of Jesus and she said " But I smoke" I said " Hey, you know that it is bad for your health and you need to quit, but it does not change the fact that you are righteous before God because of what Jesus did. " At that point she said that she wanted to buy it and that would I pray over it and her. I did and I told her that as she wore it, it would remind her that she had righteousness thru Christ. I told her that as she got to know God more and got closer to Him, that she would lose the need to smoke and that He would heal her. She was so blessed, she went away wearing her bracelet and smiling a beautiful smile. She had looked so serious when she had first come up.

At one point at the conf. I felt a burden and started to travail. I turned to Beth and said that I did not understand as I knew that God had said to rest from intercession for 3 months and it was not up. She said it was like if God asked her to stop leading worship for 3 months. Would He expect her to stop worshipping herself personally? That is was something for me. (at one point someone had mentioned that there would be birthing and that we would be birthing ourselves)
Peter came and gave me a hug as I was crying and upset and spoke words and prayer over me and that helped me so much. I am not sure what he prayed, but I know that it went deep in my spirit !!!

God taught me a lot this trip and I was with those that mean a lot to me, so it was a safe place to be, even in hard times. I love that God has brought them all into my life ! ( I say that and mean it even though I know that some read my post ! LOL)

I will not forget that conference and I would like to go back there. This time I would like to take Rena with me. She needs to connect with her First Nations roots !!

God is good !

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What IS the Lord doing?

Can't say definitively what the Lord is doing right now in my life... I know that there are areas that need defining and I need to push into the Lord for the answers.
I met with my church leadership (one of them) today and shared my heart and what I was getting. Some laughter, some tears and some understanding on both sides. God has given me a love for that man (in Christ) and talking to him was what I needed. Now, if only I knew what was up... I can feel a change coming and I don't know how it will look and be. This morning in the time between waking and sleeping when God often speaks I saw myself with a broken car antenna. I was trying to fix it with wire and then tape and it wasn't working. Then I saw a hand come and take the antenna from me and replace it with one that was no broken. I have some understanding what that was all about, but I think that there is more for me...

I am reading " Visions Beyond the Veil" by HA Baker. (Heidi Baker's Dad or grandfather, can't remember) The visions and experiences that the children of the mission had were incredible ! The colours that they spoke about. Reminded me of the colours that I had seen before. It is cementing in me just how real the spiritual realm is !! I knew it in my mind, but I think that it is moving down to my heart !!!
I like that !!

All the books I am reading, the verses that I am reading in the Bible , the Podcasts that I have downloaded on my iPOD of Kris Valloten and the visions and words that the Holy Spirit is showing me, all are starting to come together in a picture, but right now I don't know what that picture is ! This is how the Lord works with me. First the reading and studying and then the word and the understanding. Last night as I was watching some tv program I felt the stirring in my tummy (spirit) and I turned off the tv and waited for the Lord to speak. I waited and waited and He said nothing. Just felt that He was wanting to know if I would drop what I was doing to let Him speak OR it was not yet time and it was just a stirring.... makes me wonder.

So, Lord, what ARE You doing? I guess you will tell me/show me when the time is Kairos time. I wait till then with hope and peace.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


I have always had a certain idea as to what holiness meant, but since I read the book " The Rising of the Messianic Church" that has changed considerably !!!

The man who wrote the book says that we tend to be taught and we think that holiness and cleanliness are the same. He says that this is not true. Cleanliness has more to do with righteousness. Holiness , he says, should be defined as " special ; not common". He says that things that God considers holy are not to be treated as common, but are to be treated as special and made to be set apart from using them for ordinary things .

One example he gives is that our tithe is holy. The money that we tithe should not be treated the same way that the rest of our money is used - for day to day things.
That this money is for what God wants it to be used for and the upkeep of the church.
This is one of the reasons that when I get my paycheck, that I get my tithe out first and put it away, not allowing myself to be tempted to use it, even in emergency. It is holy, set apart for God's use.

The one scripture says that we are holy because He (Jesus) is holy. OR, we are special and made for a purpose other than the ordinary because Jesus lives in us.
That means that we are not made to be ordinary, with ordinary lives, but we are made to live extraordinary lives !!! We should not treat ourselves or other Christians as common, ordinary folk ! They (and us) are special (or holy)

He used an example, that God set the furnishing of the temple as holy. They were not made to be used for common everyday things. They were to be set apart to use in the ministry to and worship of the Lord. A priest would not wash his clothes in the brazen laver !!!

There is always a blessing attached to the treating things/people as holy. IF you consider ____ holy, then you will ________. It all depends on that it is that you are talking about.

The best example that he used was about the difference between everyday china and good china. Everyday china is used everyday, where the good china is used on special occasions, for special purposes and to honour special people. When the good china gets dirty, it is still special, even though there are bits of food on them. When we wash them we treat them different than the everyday china. We wash them separately and carefully as they are special. On the other hand, the everyday china is still common and ordinary dirty or clean. So, no matter if we are dirty or clean it does not take away from the fact that we are special and set apart for special purposes and time and God.

This really freed me from trying to "be holy", trying to clean up, striving.....
Yes, it is still important that we allow God to "clean " us up, but this is such a different way to see it !

Thank You God, that you made us special, with Your own hands . You love us and desire to see ourselves as made for a special purpose. We are NOT a common people, but extraordinary...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Living Stones of Remembrance

Last night I went to an amazing meeting in Aldergrove at the County Line Christian Fellowship church. The pastor had called a meeting so that we could listen to and be blessed by some living remembrance stones.

One man was Otis Clark from Seattle. He is 106 years young and was a part of Azuza Street. Another was Jim Watt from Seattle who is the last elder from the North Battleford Revival of 1948 (Latter Rain Revival). The last one was a lady named Rose that was commisioned by Smith Wigglesworth and is still travelling the world at 95 years young. Jim Watt was the baby at 85 years young.

Jim spoke and as he spoke I could feel the impartation that he was releasing. It was amazing !! He spoke about the revival and how it happened and he got us to sing in the spirit just as they had all those years ago when the "heavenly choir " showed up. It was soooo beautiful !! The people there are so hungry ! Otis and Rose got up and blessed us and spoke a few minutes . Otis is a black man and sounded like Louis Armstrong! He said that we are on God's side. He is still very spry at his age and does not use a wheelchair. Jim looked like a young man as he spoke with power under the unction of the Holy Spirit.

At the beginning was some great worship that got me to the throne room. I was in heaven (literally) Good stuff !

At the end the 3 and others got up the front and they laid hands on people as they went by. Albert Zehr was there and was asked to participate.

The first ones to go thru were the First Nations people that were there. There were 3 from Hazelton (one was Dale) and also that young girl from Vancouver that I forget her name (Sam adopted her). I was so happy when they called the First Nations first. Good for that pastor !! He has a burden for Canada and revival. He was the one that called all those 3 and set it up for Pentecost Sunday. It all fell into place very easily and we acknowledged that it was God !

Got to talk to Murray Dueck again and that was pretty cool ! I will be going to his Intimacy conference this month for sure !!!

So, we touched living stones of remebrance last night. Living testimonies of the goodness of God !!!!