God's goodness constantly amazes me and yet it is there before my eyes every day ! Even when things are tough I stand on His goodness. It is His glory ! He wants good things for me and He has good plans for me....He is all good. Only God is good !
I went to Alastair and Judy Mac Arthur's last night for dinner. I had asked to meet with them because I can talk about things and they help me to understand some things that are not very clear to me. Last night was no exception. I laid my heart bare about what had happened and how I was feeling. I told them the revelations that God was giving me and how the hurt was affecting me. It helped to get it out and not even to hold back some things that I shared with no one else. Even though they are younger than me, I feel like they are like a Mom and Dad to me. I need that !!
They are totally in agreement that I am to go to the ladies retreat in Hazelton. They feel that there is something that will be significant to me happen there. Alastair felt that there was some ministry of some sort that will happen and then I can push. Something is there that the Lord needs to take away. His word that he gave was very graphic so I will not share it on here. I witnessed with it right away and knew that it was from God.
What Alastair and Judy spoke to me and over me were confirmations of things that the Lord had been speaking to me. I made it very clear to them that I KNEW with everything in me that God is directing me in this and that God is good in this.
All in all it was a good night and I was truly blessed by my friends. I also heard about Al's work in Columbia and what they are doing as a couple. It is so awesome to see them released in God's work! In the marketplace.
I will not be shaken off the rock of God is good. That is what I cling to when things get bad. I have a joy and a peace that is really unusual in this world, but that in the Kingdom is a truth. I now understand " beyond understanding "!!
Once more I say GOD IS GOOD!!
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