Monday, July 13, 2009

Treasure stored in heaven

This Sunday I read something on Elijah list that got me thinking. When I got to church and the worship started there was something not right. It was like there was discord in the music and the spirit. (even Judi said that she is not musical and thought something was not right) It took about 3 songs until I said to Rena " Aha! We have hit it" I remembered what I had read in the word from Elijah list and what it had spoken to me and I shared it with Rena and Judi. Judi said that I needed to share it with the leaders. So, after thinking about it I went to Mike Hinger and told him what I had gotten. He said it needed to be shared. So, after the worship was over he got me up at the front sharing this:

There are things that irritate us by making us mad, making us get offended, hurting us, bugging us etc. These are the irritants that cause a pearl of great price to grow in our lives. It is like what has irritated us is covered over by the Lord with joy. In a pearl, if you cut it in half there would not be a solid core, but layer upon layer. (just like tree rings, they would if they could tell a story)
So, all the things that are irritating us in life , if we let the Lord, will be changed into the pearls of great price (treasures stored in heaven) It gave me such encouragement and others too !! God is good ! Consider it all joy......

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Golden Ears Bridge

The first time I went over the new Golden Ears bridge, I knew that it was special ! I saw the beautiful metal eagles on the pillars and the last time I went over from the Maple Ridge side I saw the huge one on the ground at the entrance. I knew that God was showing me something, but was not sure at that point what.(the funny thing was it is called Golden EARS bridge not EAGLES ! Judi said it would have been pretty funny to see huge golden ears on the pillars ! Can't believe she said that before I did, I am usually so quick on the draw!LOL) Then a prophetic word came out of the States on Elijah list about God building new bridges to move His people around to where He wants them to be.
Wed night I went with a group of people to pray up on Eagle mountain. (coincidence?I think not !) This was the first time I had joined in with intercession since I got taken out. I was a bit tentative and was just listening to what they were praying and saying and then the Lord in my mind showed me the bridge. He told me that He was releasing the "golden eagles" the ones that had been sitting at His feet in the glory. He was releasing those with ears to hear what He was saying......
That He was preparing the way for them and it was new. I saw a huge sword come out of heaven and it was ready to be thrust into the ground in the Lower Mainland. I felt that it was a claiming of the land for the Lord once more. Some say that a sword point down says "judgement" I didn't feel that, but ?? I was holding onto what I saw and then Peter starts talking about a sword that he was seeing. Then he looks at me and said that he saw that there was a word on my lips and that I needed to release it. So I got up and spoke the word and where I was sitting a small golden jewel fell.
Amira ( I think she is Egyptian or native or something...she has an different accent)
started to prophesy over me quietly that the Lord had me in a waiting time. That He wanted me to know that I was not pushed aside and forgotten, but that He wanted me to wait. That there was something new that He was going to release and she also saw that there would be a birthing of many. ( don't know what the many meant )I got sooo
drunk in the spirit at that point and I did not want to fall as where we were sitting all around was sharp rocks !LOL She also prayed over me with a HUGE eagle feather !!
Peter at the end propesied about the new thing to me too.....?? I rest in the Lord!

It was an amazing night!!! I had been feeling kind of left out and restless before that night and now I have renewed hope !! We prayed for Canada and also the US as we could see the US border from where we were on the mountain. It was good to return to prayer !!! God is good !!!! All the time too !!

So, the golden eagles are being released !!! They have been with the Lord and are full of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord ! May they soar on high seeing things from His perspective !!!! PTL!