I forgot to write about the conference that I went to in Hazelton. It is a very beautiful area and the people were awesome !!! I flew to Prince George and then I drove to Hazelton with Linda and Lucy. We decorated the Gitamaax Hall with butterflies and material and lots of other stuff. It looked really nice for such a big hall with very high ceiling !! Lucy did a good job ! Beth and Linda and others helped (me too)
I helped Peter and Beth at the book table that had King's In books etc on it and some Watchmen stuff that Peter had brought. Beth suggested that I sell my bracelets there and it took some thinking before I could. I sold about 25 of them or so. There was many blessings from the reactions of people as they looked at them. One stood out for me and that was a lady that came up and asked me about what they meant and as she listened she picked up the one called "Righteousness". She asked me what righteouness meant. I told her that it meant that it meant being right with God. (thru Christ as our righteousness)I told her that she was righteous before God because of Jesus and she said " But I smoke" I said " Hey, you know that it is bad for your health and you need to quit, but it does not change the fact that you are righteous before God because of what Jesus did. " At that point she said that she wanted to buy it and that would I pray over it and her. I did and I told her that as she wore it, it would remind her that she had righteousness thru Christ. I told her that as she got to know God more and got closer to Him, that she would lose the need to smoke and that He would heal her. She was so blessed, she went away wearing her bracelet and smiling a beautiful smile. She had looked so serious when she had first come up.
At one point at the conf. I felt a burden and started to travail. I turned to Beth and said that I did not understand as I knew that God had said to rest from intercession for 3 months and it was not up. She said it was like if God asked her to stop leading worship for 3 months. Would He expect her to stop worshipping herself personally? That is was something for me. (at one point someone had mentioned that there would be birthing and that we would be birthing ourselves)
Peter came and gave me a hug as I was crying and upset and spoke words and prayer over me and that helped me so much. I am not sure what he prayed, but I know that it went deep in my spirit !!!
God taught me a lot this trip and I was with those that mean a lot to me, so it was a safe place to be, even in hard times. I love that God has brought them all into my life ! ( I say that and mean it even though I know that some read my post ! LOL)
I will not forget that conference and I would like to go back there. This time I would like to take Rena with me. She needs to connect with her First Nations roots !!
God is good !
1 comment:
I love those butterflies..
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