I know that I am riding on Daddy's shoulders. The last few days have been a ride and it has been a real struggle to find comfort in all this. Yesterday was the hardest day on my walk with the Lord. At times I felt that I could not understand what was going on. Good thing that I have an absolute understanding that I am going thru the fire and that God is refining me. I know that Jesus is there in the fire with me and that I will come out of this stronger and better than before. Kinda like the joy set before me, I will endure, but to be honest it has been some bad stuff. I did not sleep at all last night and I was walking around in a fog today. I am glad that it is
the last day of work tomorrow for the weekend. I just need some time with me and my heavenly Dad. Some times I think that I need to go aside and lick some wounds and then other times I think that there needs to be a pushing thru. I know that God is directing me and that is comforting, but I have to trust Him that He will take me where I need to be. It really has been a stepping off the cliff and flying. Most times right now I feel like I am falling without a net. Faith building this has been.
I know that I cannot do anything in my own strength as it just would not help.
Sorry to sound like such a downer, but it is a time of refining and it hurts ! Transition hurts. Saw myself in the cocoon and being transformed/changed and that it was a time that was most uncomfortable.
Chuck Pierce sent a word yesterday and what I got from it was that being comfortable is a form of captivity. That when you are comfortable with something/ministry/whatever, you don't move forward or listen for the next move or the next season, you just sit in your comfortable place and stagnate. That was me, I needed to be ripped from that place and it was painful. It has been 6 months now and now it is time for me to heal.
That is why I am glad that I am on Daddy's shoulders on this ride. There is a safety and joy in this. Daddy, I want to ride with you. I want to go higher and higher and touch Your face ! Thanks Daddy for carrying me thru this ! I love You
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