Can't say definitively what the Lord is doing right now in my life... I know that there are areas that need defining and I need to push into the Lord for the answers.
I met with my church leadership (one of them) today and shared my heart and what I was getting. Some laughter, some tears and some understanding on both sides. God has given me a love for that man (in Christ) and talking to him was what I needed. Now, if only I knew what was up... I can feel a change coming and I don't know how it will look and be. This morning in the time between waking and sleeping when God often speaks I saw myself with a broken car antenna. I was trying to fix it with wire and then tape and it wasn't working. Then I saw a hand come and take the antenna from me and replace it with one that was no broken. I have some understanding what that was all about, but I think that there is more for me...
I am reading " Visions Beyond the Veil" by HA Baker. (Heidi Baker's Dad or grandfather, can't remember) The visions and experiences that the children of the mission had were incredible ! The colours that they spoke about. Reminded me of the colours that I had seen before. It is cementing in me just how real the spiritual realm is !! I knew it in my mind, but I think that it is moving down to my heart !!!
I like that !!
All the books I am reading, the verses that I am reading in the Bible , the Podcasts that I have downloaded on my iPOD of Kris Valloten and the visions and words that the Holy Spirit is showing me, all are starting to come together in a picture, but right now I don't know what that picture is ! This is how the Lord works with me. First the reading and studying and then the word and the understanding. Last night as I was watching some tv program I felt the stirring in my tummy (spirit) and I turned off the tv and waited for the Lord to speak. I waited and waited and He said nothing. Just felt that He was wanting to know if I would drop what I was doing to let Him speak OR it was not yet time and it was just a stirring.... makes me wonder.
So, Lord, what ARE You doing? I guess you will tell me/show me when the time is Kairos time. I wait till then with hope and peace.
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