Saturday, January 17, 2009

Barry's 3 week late surprise Birthday party

Poor Barry,

He was born on December 30, 1960 and that means that with it being just after Christmas, he usually gets the short end of the stick present and party - wise.
This last birthday was not much different... yes, I forgot to buy him a gift before I ran out of money around Christmas! This year I should buy him something 6 months early ! He always says that he is ok, but I know it must bug him that this happens year after year !!

So, I decided that as it was payday on Friday, that I would get the girls together on Saturday (Colin is in Florida) and make a big dinner and buy him a gift. I also made a cake and iced it and so we decided to surprise him. I asked him if he was coming home for dinner as Alisha and Karinne were there and he said " maybe". So, this surprise party was more of a surprise for me as to whether he was coming home from work or not. He is on a deadline with cabinets for one of his customers and so he needs to work as late as possible.

Well, the end of this story is that he did come home, he was surprised and he loved the ham and scalloped potatoes AND he liked his gift. Good time was had by all ! I am glad that it worked out, but it did, so I am also happy.

It is also good to have both girls here . Todd is in West Virginia with his Dad who is sick and Colin is in Florida until tomorrow. He was at a convention for work.

So, this ends the saga of the surprise party for Barry. PTL it worked out !! :)

1 comment:

b said...

Happy late bday Barry!