Did you know that we are made to invade? That is what God was speaking to me this morning. We are not mean to die of hunger or thirst when there is a banqueting table set for kings and queens right before us.I saw a vision a week ago of a man with a backpack on his back crawling in a vast desert. The backpack was empty (all that he had brought with him was gone) His eyes were white with blindness. Right in front of him was a banqueting table, but he could not see it....
We are not meant to be held captive in our comfort zone , but we are meant to be free. (Jesus came to set us free...totally) Where there is the impossible, we are meant to fly !!! (with the wind of the Spirit holding us up)
We are not meant to be paralyzed in fear, but to move and operate in love ! To even go one step further and that love casts out all fear. In it's perfection it has the power to do that !!
We are not meant to walk thru this life crippled, but to run with the Lord where He directs us.
God hates sin, we know that , but He also hates sickness. He sent His Son to die for the sin, but He also sent His Son to be whipped for the sickness. (By His stripes we are healed) So, we are to hate what He hates and so we should hate sin AND sickness.
Sin is to the soul as sickness is to the body. We are meant to be whole and healed!
We are not meant to be silent. We have been given a voice to be the Voice of the Lord on this earth. We need to SHOUT, we need to PRAISE, we need to declare the Word when God asks us to. Silence is NOT golden !! (or an option)
We are not meant to hide out talents. They are meant for multiplication !!! Everything in God's Kingdom is about multiplication ! What we sow is what we reap.
Many times over.
We are not meant to stay in our little fortified churches, afraid of the big giants in the land. In the OT when a leper touched us we became unclean. In the NT when Jesus saw a leper, He touched them and they became clean. We are not meant to be afraid of the darkness but we are meant to take the light INTO the darkness and dispell it ! We are meant to invade the darkness and change it !!! The church is more afraid of being polluted with things of the darkness than it is of invading the darkness !! We are meant to GO!! (the giants should be our bread)
We are made to trust in the Lord. We are made to believe what He says. We are made to take the knowledge of the glory of the Lord throughout all the earth. Show His goodness to all mankind. Give that glass of water to the dying man...
We are not meant to be "good little Christians " that go to church on Sunday and the rest of the week we exist. We are made to be radical !(mountain movers) We are made to risk !!! We are made to invade !! Where is God asking you to invade?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
On the Wind

There is something that is happening to me and I can only discern that I am getting hungrier for the Lord to move and overflow in my life !!! I am reading a book right now called "Amazed by the Power of God" and it has a number of well known people's
writings in it. The first one was Bill Johnson and he literally blew up some of my beliefs that I was amazed !! After that was Randy Clark, Bobby Conners, Steve Hill, and so many more !!! I love what the others wrote, but it is Bill Johnson that has so far impacted me the most !!!
I am understanding so much more about the gospel of the Kingdom instead of the gospel of salvation ! I guess I just fell in with others and thought that salvation was what we needed to share. Now I am understanding why it is the gospel of the Kingdom instead ! Kind of tweaks your beliefs !!
I realize that it is the Lord's presence we need period. That we should not move until He moves. I "knew" that but I understand it so much more !! Waiting on Him and not moving ahead of Him. The difference between the holy and the profane. (there we go again about that ) profane being doing something that the Lord has not asked us to do. (no matter what reason we give for doing it)
One of the writers of this book spoke on the releasing of the Zadok priesthood. They were the ones that would minister to God only. There is so much mixture and humanism in the Church that they need to rise and teach the difference between right and wrong, the holy and profane.....
It was funny, I was reading a humorous cartoon book and I don't remember what the cartoon was, but the question was " Are you a rock or a leaf?" Immediately I knew that the Lord was asking me that. I pondered that for a while, as I was at work. What I got was this: During a "new" move of God (or a change or transition) when the winds of change start to blow, will I be a rock and not moved or will I be a leaf carried by the wind to where the Lord wants me to go? Of course, I desire to be a leaf. It just kind of reminds me of being lifted by the wind that enables me to fly. Just a tidbit there.....
Let Your wind blow , Lord , and take me to the places that You want me. I will soar on Your wind and see high above the things that tried to hold me down on earth ! You came to set us free and I pray that we start walking (flying) in that freedom !
Blow winds of God Blow!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
He Rejoices Over Us With Singing

This morning as I was soaking with the Lord before church I knew that something was up . When I got to church I felt like I was home again. I had felt soooo disconnected the last few weeks and was wondering if I was still to be a part of TC (Transform Central)
During the worship I "saw" a large heart come down from above and as we sang it started to rotate. As we sang more it rotated faster and faster. Then beams of light (laser beams) started coming from the heart. As more and more entered in, the rotating and beams intensified. I asked the Lord " What is this?" He said that He was rejoicing over us. I knew that I had to go up front and share with the Body about this, but I was hesitant , as I had said to the leaders that I would not share a word until I was healed from all that hurt. I eventually had no choice but to go up front and share. I said what I saw and then I said that I know that the Lord was releasing something, but I did not know what it was. (normally I would wait until I got the whole word before I would share)
I shared and then Sharon Gailey got up and said that when I spoke out that God was releasing something and I didn't know what, she said she got what it was. He was releasing the truth. The truth that we are loved by Him and that we are accepted and that we needed to let go of the lies that told us different.
There were other words that went with this to complete the picture. After the words were done I felt the Lord say to me the scripture " We know in part and prophesy in part..." He was showing me Body Ministry. That I didn't need to wait for the other parts as I went up it allowed others to release the other parts !! I laughed and laughed. God is good !
Holly was down from Kelowna and she prayed for me. She again saw the colours released over me and she saw paintings and paintings. She saw them being used in the marketplace and there was more but by that time I was toasted !!
So, on Sat when I met up with Rena at Michael's she saw me and said God just said " You're gonna be healed !" We wondered at the illnesses and problems physically that I have and what was going to be healed. When all this happened today I turned to Rena and said. I am healed. We started to laugh. ( we actually had laughed through most of the service )
During the worship there was wave after wave coming from the front ( I am sitting at the back now for this season) I turned to Rena and said " God said to ride the wave. Don't bail !"
At one point I could feel myself trying to launch off my feet but was tied to the earth. I saw a whirlwind (actually could feel it) and I got the story about Elijah and the whirlwind of fire. It wasn't that I thought that I was going up into a whirlwind of fire, but that it was a whirlwind of love (fire). Don't know if that makes sense, but it was what I saw and felt.
So, today my precious Father in heaven was rejoicing (spinning) over us!! What a cool thought !!!
Make Me a Voice

I was just listening to Rick Pino's new cd " Songs for An End Time Army" and there is a part of one of the songs that is stuck in my head. It is "Make me a voice, make me a voice, make me a voice , make me a voice, crying out in the wilderness" It is like my (and the church's) voice in the wilderness is too quiet, we need a VOICE!!
Declaring that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand !" I am drawn when I am out of the house, to look at and cry over those that are lost and crippled/blind/deaf ! I cried out in the car yesterday (after seeing 2 people in wheelchairs) Lord, where is the power, forgive me that I am not walking in the "and these signs shall follow)"I have been too afraid to GO! I desire to lay hands on the sick and they SHALL recover !!!
The blind WILL see ! The deaf WILL hear !!! I am drawn to those crippled ! It is like the Lord is getting me ready to GO ! Both Rena and I are experiencing the same thing. She keeps hearing a phone ringing. We are tired of the same old church stuff and desire to make a difference....I want to be a voice crying out !!!! I really don't know all this is about, but it is getting stronger and soon I will be compelled to GO ! I need to find/recover my voice. I have had no voice long enough !!! Those in the church can hear it, but it is not for them all the time !!!
The other song that sticks with me is from the Martyr's song: They loved not their lives , even unto death ! I have been seeing too much flesh on me these days and I want me and the Lord to put it to death !! I realized while I was soaking this morning that my feet are in bad shape with the heel spurs, and that my walk is hobbled too right now. I need some healing.......
Lord, MAKE ME A VOICE! Amen!
Friday, April 10, 2009
I realized tonight at soaking, when Deborah began talking about it, that God is speaking to the Body about identity. That knowing Him and who HE is is really important, but that for what is coming we need to know our identity in Him and be firm in it !! I have been speaking to God about it for a while now. When Karinne gave me the crown necklace out of the blue, I knew that God was serious about it !!
Tonight he gave some people jewels that are at least 3-4 times bigger than the one that I got that was 3-4 times bigger than the ones Judi and Rena got. They are getting bigger. One was a triangle sort of cut that was green one way and then when you tipped it to the light it was gold. One person got a pink bagette cut one and another one was red shaped like a long rectangle. They are amazing, but God is more amazing !! We run around looking at all the jewels like little kids !! Gifts from Dad!
I know that God is talking to me right now in bits and pieces. I would read a scripture at work and then after work I would be listening to Bill Johnson's cd and he would speak about the same scripture. Or I would read a scripture and the music cd I had on had a song in it that sang about that scripture. I guess I am mostly in Hebrews for some reason. Oh Vivian, you know ! It is about faith. All this new year to me has been about faith, a deeper walk. I just stand amazed at how He works things in us !
Made my first prophetic bracelet today. I call it " The Heart of Jesus" It is red and gold with the hearts being red and the center part is gold. Rena is teaching me how to make them. We are also making prophetic scarves. The one that I will work on this weekend is called " Revelation" and is a beautiful blue silk. The beading could be the hardest thing on it. I sure hope that it turns out !! Our company is called
" Revive Designs" ( Re for Rena and viv for you guessed it !)
Rena and I had lunch together today and shared what God had been speaking over the week to us both. It is really interesting what God shares with us. God is good !!
Dad, give me a greater revelation of who I am in YOU !!
Tonight he gave some people jewels that are at least 3-4 times bigger than the one that I got that was 3-4 times bigger than the ones Judi and Rena got. They are getting bigger. One was a triangle sort of cut that was green one way and then when you tipped it to the light it was gold. One person got a pink bagette cut one and another one was red shaped like a long rectangle. They are amazing, but God is more amazing !! We run around looking at all the jewels like little kids !! Gifts from Dad!
I know that God is talking to me right now in bits and pieces. I would read a scripture at work and then after work I would be listening to Bill Johnson's cd and he would speak about the same scripture. Or I would read a scripture and the music cd I had on had a song in it that sang about that scripture. I guess I am mostly in Hebrews for some reason. Oh Vivian, you know ! It is about faith. All this new year to me has been about faith, a deeper walk. I just stand amazed at how He works things in us !
Made my first prophetic bracelet today. I call it " The Heart of Jesus" It is red and gold with the hearts being red and the center part is gold. Rena is teaching me how to make them. We are also making prophetic scarves. The one that I will work on this weekend is called " Revelation" and is a beautiful blue silk. The beading could be the hardest thing on it. I sure hope that it turns out !! Our company is called
" Revive Designs" ( Re for Rena and viv for you guessed it !)
Rena and I had lunch together today and shared what God had been speaking over the week to us both. It is really interesting what God shares with us. God is good !!
Dad, give me a greater revelation of who I am in YOU !!
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Friday April 3, 2009 was a time of reconnection with the "Watson" side of the family. I had not seen my cousins ( first and second) for awhile and that was awesome and then seeing my sister who lives in Calgary and my brother who lives in Houston Texas was a bonus too. Too bad it was at a funeral !
My sister and I through the years have reconciled any differences and get along very well. We have done lots of travelling over the last few years together. It is amazing how we get along now as that was not always the case! This weekend was a time of starting the reconcilliation with my brother Jack. His third marriage just broke up before Christmas and he took some courses that showed him that family was important and I feel that he was ready to let the past be the past. It was a good time of laughter and tears saying goodbye to the last of that generation of the Watson clan. The cousins are all that remain. We spoke about all the jokes that my Uncle George played on us and the stories that he told with that British humor with no smile on his face and we believed him for many years things that were not true. He always had the last laugh, but not in a mean spirited way! He was a true gentleman and very intelligent and loved boats and the sea.
My Dad and Uncle George and their Mom and Dad lived in Ocean Falls BC in it's hayday. At one time the family bought a small boat called "The Lion". They, however, did not like the name and because they were Scottish, they kept the letters and mixed them around to call the boat " The NILO" This was always a great laugh for the family. So, yesterday we went to the Red Lion Pub ( we laughingly called it the Red Nilo Pub) and raised a glass to Uncle George and visited for the last time this visit with Jack and Trish. It was a good day!
I will miss my uncle, although over the years the visits had become fewer and fewer. Last Oct (2008) he turned 90 years old and had a funfilled life. He , over the last 9 years had missed his "Peg "O My Life" (my Auntie Lorraine) and now they are reunited !I pray that it is in heaven!!!
Uncle George...till me meet again !! Love you !
Friday, April 3, 2009
God is good

God's goodness constantly amazes me and yet it is there before my eyes every day ! Even when things are tough I stand on His goodness. It is His glory ! He wants good things for me and He has good plans for me....He is all good. Only God is good !
I went to Alastair and Judy Mac Arthur's last night for dinner. I had asked to meet with them because I can talk about things and they help me to understand some things that are not very clear to me. Last night was no exception. I laid my heart bare about what had happened and how I was feeling. I told them the revelations that God was giving me and how the hurt was affecting me. It helped to get it out and not even to hold back some things that I shared with no one else. Even though they are younger than me, I feel like they are like a Mom and Dad to me. I need that !!
They are totally in agreement that I am to go to the ladies retreat in Hazelton. They feel that there is something that will be significant to me happen there. Alastair felt that there was some ministry of some sort that will happen and then I can push. Something is there that the Lord needs to take away. His word that he gave was very graphic so I will not share it on here. I witnessed with it right away and knew that it was from God.
What Alastair and Judy spoke to me and over me were confirmations of things that the Lord had been speaking to me. I made it very clear to them that I KNEW with everything in me that God is directing me in this and that God is good in this.
All in all it was a good night and I was truly blessed by my friends. I also heard about Al's work in Columbia and what they are doing as a couple. It is so awesome to see them released in God's work! In the marketplace.
I will not be shaken off the rock of God is good. That is what I cling to when things get bad. I have a joy and a peace that is really unusual in this world, but that in the Kingdom is a truth. I now understand " beyond understanding "!!
Once more I say GOD IS GOOD!!
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