Last night we had a corporate prayer meeting and the Lord showed up BIG time and there also was an angel. It was an amazing time of prayer !!! Ken Greter and Shar led it and they told us about their amazing trip to Texas. Everywhere they went the Lord was showing them prophetically that the church is on the right track about the foundation of the church.
I had seen a picture of the basement of the church that had been torn up to expose a large pipe. This pipe was made of terra cotta or something like that. It had collapsed in on itself because the water had stopped flowing and it was dry.
I prayed into this and kept asking the Lord why it broke and how to fix it, how to pray for it to be fixed or replaced etc. I got nothing from the Lord for a few weeks. Then the Lord spoke to me and said that I was asking the wrong question. He said that I was not to ask why it broke or what we were to do to fix it, but rather to ask when the water had stopped flowing.
Last night (July 26th) I was soaking and so I asked the Lord, ok, when did the water stop flowing? He said when it was diverted. ( I saw a picture of water being diverted into a pond with a dam) That was all He told me.
The next day I was driving to work and what dropped into my spirit was this:
The words about the apostolic training/equipping center were for the church. ( spoken over the church and for the church) Somehow this got diverted to Todd and Fresh Fire. These words were not meant for Todd. He was given a vision and destiny with Fresh Fire and was not given this part to fulfill. With the confusion of the joining with Fresh Fire, it got put together with Todd and Fresh Fire.
While I was praying up at Eagle Mountain I got the scripture (Gen 26) about the old wells of Abraham being redug and about the new wells being dug too. I believe that the Lord is wanting the lid of the old well in our very core destiny to be removed and to "dig out" the debris so that we can once again have the flow of water in our very foundation. I believe that God is doing it.
As the "debris" of Fresh Fire is pruned off and dug out, we will begin to "see" the water begin to flow again. The "diversion" will be stopped and the water will be "routed" to its proper destiny. (an aligning)
The scripture (Romans 8:28) " And we know that to them that love God all things work together for good, for them that are called according to His purpose" jumped out at me . God is working ALL THINGS together for our good. He is putting into place, tearing down, rooting out etc all those things because He wants the BEST for us. We have had the good, but HE wants the best !! I am excited for this as I KNOW that God is good and He wants only good things for us. Sometimes the medicine tastes awful !!! But,it is for the good of the Body ! Praise God ! He is good !
(That was a word that I gave the leaders and they totally witnessed with it !)
Last night I saw our body and we were in a cocoon. It was a place of rest and protection. I got the scripture about not being conformed any longer to the world etc
There are many things that are going on around the church and we need to keep our eyes focused on God and at rest. If we struggle to enter into the warfare, then we tire ourselves out but still cannot get out. We need to rest and let the Lord deal with it all. It is HIS battle. He needs us to rest as we are going to need to not be tired for Sept as there will be a breakthrough then. Shar said it was like He was "buffering" us from what was around us so that we would stay in Hs rest !
Today I "saw" that for some it would feel like they were being "restrained" from things ( like ministry, going out, whatever) but that it was actually for protection and because He loves us. So, some will fight to be released too soon !!!
We are going to have a "solemn assembly " in Sept for 3 days. I can't find the scripture right now but it says something about being torn and repaired and something about after 2 days and then after 3 days. They are basing the 3 days on that... When I had heard about it I asked God...The last one we had 4 years ago Feb, You passed Your goodness before our eyes...What are you going to do this time? I felt that there would be something to do with fear of the Lord. Last night Ken brought up that the worship leader said that he felt something about the fear of the Lord. I had not told anyone what I was getting. It was a confirmation. Then Patricia saw an angel. She said that it was a "watching " angel and that it had a sword in it's hands with the point into the foundation. As she was talking about it the fear of the Lord came upon her and others. What is God going to do? I can't wait !!
Ok, this is long enough...God do what YOU want to do. We will receive whatever it is!
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. We have been asking for wisdom. ( John Paul Jackson says that the fear of the Lord is the Awe of God)