Monday, January 19, 2009


Yesterday at church I felt compelled to get up and give a word. I felt that at that time, that the Lord was desiring us to get new eyes -new vision. The scripture I had gotten was when Blind Bartameus asked to be healed, first the Lord healed his spiritual vision and then his natural vision. I felt that the Lord was wanting us to appropriate the "eyes of heaven" The eyes of God , the eyes of mercy, the eyes of love, the eyes of hope, the eyes of wisdom etc. That we needed to "see" that Jesus has done it all. That it is all there for walking in and taking, that there was substance to all this as it is all from the kingdom realm. We need to "see" that it is finished and it is done and that there is no new healings etc, just that we need to walk in this kingdom realm. I knew that there was a physical sense to this too as the Lord was speaking about the whole eye. The light in the eyes even. (I know there is a scripture about that but I didn't look it up..think that it is in Proverbs)
I don't think that I am explaining this totally right, but this morning when I woke up I saw a door standing in front of me wide open. I heard a voice say to me " I have set an open door before you ....walk thru it. (reminded me of my other post about get up, take your mat and walk!)
Thru the door I could see the other side .....all this required was for me to walk out of the I can't realm, the what if realm, the realm of unbelief, the realm of fear and intimidation and into what IS and IS TO COME realm. The other side WAS more real than this side....the kingdom IS at hand !

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